Most individuals who are thinking about removing an undesirable tattoo have a number of wonders about the process. They may have had a friend who successfully removed a tattoo and they want to know how it would work in their own specific case. Somebody they know may have removed successfully a tattoo and they would like to know if using a laser is right for them. Here is a listing of the top five most common wonders about laser tattoo removal:
1)Can it even be removed at all?Most all tattoos can be removed, however there are some unique situations. Black ink tattoos are the most common that are removed and they are also among the easiest to remove. The most serious colors to remove are light green and blue/green or teal or turquoise. These colors can be faded, but it is difficult to remove them entirely.
2) Could tattoo laser removal be dangerous?
The laser applied should be just for removal of tattoos. Some clinics will use the same laser for many various processes.
3) Could the routine scar my skin? No, not if used by an knowledgeable professional. But some clinics don't have a very knowledgeable laser operator. Your skin could become damaged or pitted. Laser technicians should have higher medical training before they perform the operation on you.
4) How long between tattoo removal sessions? For most patients, 4 weeks is adequate time between sessions. For some patients with very bright, colorful tattoos 6 weeks is needed. You can see that laser removal is not instant satisfaction and a long and costly operation is unavoidable.
5) Are there very many side effects? For patients with black or dark ink tattoos, some puffiness and redness are the most routine side effects. For patients with colored tattoos, some blistering may come about - also scarring and hair removal are very routine.
If you are getting second ideas about having tattoo removal by laser you are not alone. Many people are apprehensive when they learn about the time and money needed by this method. There are other healthy procedures such as microdermabrasion and gel products that are just as good, cost much less and can be applied in the console of your own house.
Would you like some more information on a safer, more effective and less costly method than tattoo?laser removal? Please visit my blog for the method I prefer
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