Sunday, November 17, 2013

Cure Hirsutism With the Help of Laser Hair Removal

Many women have unwanted hair growth. Some women, however, are affected by hirsutism. It is a condition that causes this type of growth on areas thought to be typically male, such as the neck, face and back. It can be unsightly and can cause varying levels of discomfort on physical and emotional levels.

Controlling this condition on body parts like face has been a major concern of women for long. It has always been a thriving business and laser hair removal can offer semi-permanent to permanent results, unlike more common depilatory methods like razors, creams, or waxes.

Laser hair removal works like this: A beam of light is used to penetrate the skin and targets the pigment. The heat intensity of the light destroys the follicle. It can take several treatments to get a more permanent result.

Women suffering from hirsutism can see this as an attractive offer. Many women try other methods to be let down. Some women who resort to shaving experience incredibly quick re-growth, and then deal with stubble on uncomfortable areas. Waxing can work, for the normal one to two weeks for women with normal growth pattern.

Women with excess growth problem have to wax once or twice a week to see the results that are normally two to three weeks apart. Taking hormonal treatments is iffy at best, and has a range of side-effects that many women don't consider worth it.

Going to get the removal done with a laser can be quite a process, and of course it has its own risks. You cannot have a tan when going in for the treatment. Having a tan increases the risk of blistering and getting deep damage from the laser.

Women are to avoid overexposure to the sun for four to six weeks before the procedure. It also works better on shorter hairs. Shaving at some point beforehand is recommended to avoid this problem.

When you get there, there is often a numbing agent applied to the skin because the light is very intense. It can be painful. Different women have different experiences. Noticing a strong odor is common as well, as whatever hair is on the surface of skin is burnt.

It is not a treatment for every woman. Some women may decide that the recovery time is not worth it, particularly if they live in an extremely sunny place. Sun exposure before and after the treatment is to be avoided.

For other women, however, it is a miracle. Laser hair removal has helped them live more normally and the pain of the treatment can be a fair exchange for the joy of living more normally.

If you want to remove the unwanted hair on your face by going in for a laser hair removal St Louis based premier board-certified plastic surgeon is the best choice. Effectively treat the unwanted hair and look and feel better about yourself. For details, visit

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