For the sake of beauty, women all over the world have been more than willing to bear the pain during the process of hair removal. There are many methods of hair removal, ranging from the painful procedure of waxing and electrolysis to the less painful procedure such as shaving. The latest trend in hair removal is, of course, laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is touted as an excellent alternative to electrolysis as it is painless and yet it can remove hair permanently.
Is laser hair removal painless?
There are several factors that contribute to the pain factor in the laser hair removal process. First of all, this depends on the person who is going to go through the process. If her pain threshold is low, laser hair removal will be a painful process. This is also her skin sensitivity. Certain areas of the skin like those near the pubic area is definitely very sensitive and very much susceptible to pain. Skin areas like the legs will be less painful. Some ladies found the pain to be comparable to waxing whereas some may even shed a tear or two during the painful process.
Another important factor is the type of laser equipment being used. The laser equipment for hair removal is constantly being researched and improved upon and hence the latest machine is usually less painful compared to the older models.
Finally, if the laser hair removal process is not done properly, more pain may be felt. Hence it is always good to go for certified doctors to perform the procedure.
Ways to reduce the possible pain
If pain and discomfort may be unbearable during the process, there ways to reduce or eliminate the pain during and after the procedure. One of the ways is to use topical anesthetics which in most cases can remove most of the pain. This is usually in a gel form that you apply to the skin to reduce the pain. Another way is to take medication to control the pain. These over-the-counter medicines are inexpensive and easy way to control the pain. But do seek your doctor's advice before using them.
Other ways to reduce the pain is to go for the procedure in a relax manner. Try to get enough sleep the day before and remain calm. Choose to wear comfortable clothes for the procedure. During the procedure, if pain is felt, try not to focus on the pain but instead think and focus on other things. Think of happy times or any calming scenery. Take deep breaths to further help in the relaxation.
The skin area may be slightly sore and red after the procedure. Hence, it is recommended that after the laser hair removal procedure, remember to keep the treated skin area out of the sun. You can also buy calming skin lotion or gel that contains aloe vera to help remove the soreness.
Did you find this article useful? Lesley Chew writes useful articles on several topics about health and women issues. Find out more about laser hair removal procedure and whether you are suitable for the procedure at
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