Sunday, January 5, 2014

Laser Hair Removal Surgeries

Many women nowadays are worried about the unwanted hair on their bodies. This problem is not actually a medical condition but it is the way our body is made. However most women become conscious with the unwanted hair especially in the exposed area like arms, face, legs or the armpit. Actually there are many unwanted hair removal methods in use and one of the common one is shaving. You may also tweeze but that takes lot of time. You may also use some depilatories having natural essence which smooths the skin. Or yet another method commonly in use is waxing but it is painful. The problem with these methods is that the hair keeps coming back.

If you visit your dermatologist, she will probably suggest laser hair removal. This method makes use of the laser technology for stopping the hair growth permanently. The laser treatment procedure is completely painless and simple. it just takes a few minutes depending on the area of your body. After shaving and cleaning the area an anesthetic cream is applied on the skin in order to make the procedure painless. Then the hair follicles are zapped by the laser. A little discomfort might be felt while using laser and a slight redness on the skin. But this will disappear within minutes and you can go back to your daily work afterwards. The procedure is generally done about six times with 30 day intervals. It is slightly expensive as compared to the normal methods but it is full proof.

So does laser hair removal work? In case of any queries regarding laser hair removal you can consult your dermatologist. This will give you a chance to see the machine user for the procedure and also will get you the detailed explanation about this procedure. It is a completely safe procedure if done by a professional. When you want a totally hair free body, go for laser hair removal treatment. laser hair removal work? In case of any queries regarding

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