happinesslifetime.com Laser facial hair removal is a cosmetic medical procedure that uses an intense, pulsating beam of light to remove unwanted hair. The laser damages the individual follicle, thereby inhibiting future growth. However, this cosmetic procedure doesn't guarantee permanent removal. It typically takes several treatments to provide an extended period free of facial hair and periodic updates may also be required.
Ideal candidates for this type of procedure are people with light complexions and dark hair. Those with darker complexions may also experience skin lightening in that area as the laser targets melanin. White, blond or gray hair isn't typically treated with this type of removal because they lack the required melanin. Popular treatment zones include upper lip, armpits, legs, chin and bikini line.
Risks of this type of cosmetic surgery are mild and include skin irritation and pigment changes. Some follicles may be resistant to treatment and grow back. However, those resistant follicles may produce strands that are finer and lighter in color. Irritation, scabbing or crusting is common and temporary. Other temporary changes may include pigment changes in the skin, resulting in lighter patches that may be unsightly.
During your initial consultation, your doctor will review your medical history and use of medication. He or she will also discuss the risks, benefits and answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding your expectations. They will also outline a treatment plan and let you know of all related costs. Before-and-after photos are often helpful for long-term reviews and reassessments. Be sure to follow their specific instructions such as staying out of the sun and avoiding plucking, waxing or electrolysis. You should also avoid picking or vigorous scrubbing. Wash the area with gentle soap and water and use always use sunscreen.
The happinesslifetime.com laser removal procedure involves pressing and activating a hand-held instrument against the skin. The laser produces intense heat that damages the follicles and a cooling tip or gel may be used to protect the surrounding skin. A stinging sensation may be felt as the area is treated. Small areas, such as the upper lip, can take only a few minutes. More extensive areas, such as legs or chest, may take several hours.
Redness and swelling may occur immediately after the procedure and last for a few hours. A mild stinging sensation may persist for a few days while the skin becomes slightly crusty and the top layer sloughs off.
It is important to keep in mind that results from this type of procedure vary from person to person. Four to six treatments with several weeks between each are often required to prolong the duration of loss.
premierplasticsurgeryarts.com/non_surgical_skin_hair_removal.html Laser Facial Hair Removal in South Jersey is a safe, fast, and effective alternative for dealing with unwanted hair. It is safe enough to be used on all body parts, including the face, back, underarms, bikini line, legs, and arms. To know more, visit premierplasticsurgeryarts.com premierplasticsurgeryarts.com
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