Saturday, November 2, 2013

European Facial To Help Rejuvenate Skin

A facial cleans exfoliates and nourishes the skin to promote clear well-hydrated skin. It is a procedure involving a variety of skin treatments, including: cleanse, steam, exfoliation, extraction, lotions, massages, facial masks and creams etc. European facial is the most popular type; it begins with a thorough cleansing and a product chosen for your skin type (normal, dry, oily, combination, sensitive, mature). And follows with such steps:

Skin analysis: the esthetician covers your eyes and looks at your skin through a brightly lit magnifying lamp that reveals various skin conditions.

Exfoliation: the use of mechanical or a chemical exfoliant. Mechanical exfoliation has a gritty texture and usually happens while a seam vapor is directed at your face.

Extraction: of blackheads or whiteheads if you want it and need it. People have different pain tolerance for extractions. They can be uncomfortable, especially on thin or sensitive skin. Facial massage: using classic strokes to both relax you and stimulate your skin and facial muscles.

Facial mask: targeted to your type to calm or nourish your skin.

Application of toners and protective creams: the final step of a typical European facial.

There are other treatments such as photo rejuvenate treatment or microdermabrasion that can be added to your regular European facial routine or performed alone. etc...

Many people can't tolerate the downtime or may otherwise not be good candidates for laser skin resurfacing. In these cases, intense pulsed light (IPL) may be a good option. This skin treatment goes by many other names, including light laser, photo rejuvenate treatment and various brand names. It uses broad-spectrum light that filters out unwanted wavelengths as means of treating a host of skin conditions, it can diminish or remove: age spots, liver spots, fine lines and wrinkles, redness, broken capillaries, freckles, large pores etc.

If your skin has lost its youthful glow by mild acne, sun damage, large pores, uneven texture or even fine lines and wrinkles, microdermabrasion may be an option worth considering. A non-invasive skin-refreshing technique, it uses mild abrasives to removes the top layer of your skin, including surface dead skin cells. The result is invigorated smooth looking skin. A device sprays tiny crystals across your face to lightly abrade the surface while suction is performed to remove the dead skin cells and remaining crystals.

While there are many more type of facial treatments available it's best to discuss your needs with a cosmetologist. Skin creams by companies such as Shiseido (a major Japanese cosmetics producer which is the oldest cosmetics company in the world and the fourth largest cosmetics company in the world), GM Collins (G.M. Collin was founded in France in 1957 by a dermatologist who pioneered the use of collagen pellicles and a renowned experienced aesthetician.), and Qiora, the History of Whoo are often used.

For more information on where to go to obtain your facial in Monmouth County please go to and for more info on how to improve your self esteem go to

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