Thursday, October 31, 2013

Laser Wart Removal Procedures and Information

Of all the different methods used for wart removal, laser wart removal is considered to be one of the most effective methods. In addition to being very effective, laser removal can be very quick as well. The type of skin protrusions you have will help the dermatologist decided if laser removal is right for you.

If you're considering having laser wart removal performed on yourself, it's quite possible that you may have explored other methods of removal already. However, for those of you who are just now seeking information on all the different methods of removal available I will briefly touch on a few of the more effective removal methods.

The use of lasers to remove any type of skin growth is usually one of the last options your Dr. will choose. Usually as a rule for most warts a topical over-the-counter wart removal medication will be tried first. The two most common types of over-the-counter medications are those that contain salicylic acid as the active ingredient, and those that cryogenically, or freeze the wart off. The cryogenic solutions typically involve a little more pain than other methods.

Effective home remedies that many people have used range from the process of tape occlusion, to the application of various substances. Tape occlusion is the process of placing a piece of waterproof adhesive tape over the wart for a period of 6 to 7 days, and removing the tape for a period of 12 hours than replacing the tape for another 6 to 7 days. This process is repeated numerous times until the wart goes away.

Some of these substances that have been effectively worked for wart removal are, Castor oil and baking soda, garlic, tea tree oil and other various substances. Since warts will go away completely on their own in many cases the effectiveness of these substances remains in question. However, if you're not in a big hurry to remove the growth, trying some of these less-expensive methods might be an option for you.

If you've tried many or most of these other methods without success, then laser wart removal might be one of the next options your dermatologist will recommend. There are basically two different types of lasers used for wart removal. These two are, the carbon dioxide laser, and the pulse dye laser. The carbon dioxide laser will almost always cause damage to the skin surrounding the growth and therefore has a much higher likelihood of causing scarring. The pulse dye laser can be safely used on any part of the body with little or no risk of scarring. That makes it the preferred laser to use for laser wart removal.

Due to the fact that a pulse dye laser causes little or no scarring, this is the preferred laser to use in the removal of warts on face. Even though scarring is not a problem visibly on the soles of your feet, scars can be slightly painful in that area. For that reason pulse dye lasers are also a good choice for plantar wart removal.

Your dermatologist or laser therapist may or may not use aesthetics. For most people the procedures involves very little pain, and is described as being similar to having hot bacon grease spattered on your skin. While this is slightly painful, most people are capable of dealing with this level of pain without


During treatment the laser therapist will apply the energy of the laser light directly at the tissue on and around the area of the wart. This energy will be directed onto the small blood vessels that feed the wart. The duration of this process typically takes between 10 minutes to a half an hour for each session.

However larger warts or clusters of warts might take a little longer.

Considering the fact that most home methods of removal take many weeks or even months to completely eliminate the growth, laser wart removal can be a very good option for those seeking quick elimination and removal of their warts.

Ryan Davis is a mole and wart removal expert. For more information about laser wart removal visit,

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