Friday, October 25, 2013

Understanding Laser Hair Removal Risks For Better Decisions

To most of the affordable people, laser hair removal is indeed the most ideal option for permanent hair removal. It is very unlikely that this type of hair removal technology may cause permanent damage to your skin. However, there are still some potential side effects and risks involved which have to be taken into consideration before undergoing it.

Since laser beam is a very powerful ray, the most common risk faced is the possibility of receiving burns to the skin. For those who have sensitive skin, the area of their skin which has been exposed to the laser beams would experience redness or get burnt after the treatment.

In the case of facial hair removal treatment near the area around the eyes, there are higher risks involved. Since laser rays can penetrate deeply into the skin, it will be extremely dangerous where there is a high possibility of losing eyesight as the laser streams are to be absorbed by the area around the eyes.

What would happen if the end result of the treatment is not what you have expected? This is possible where there is incomplete hair removal procedure. In some cases, the removal process simply won't work as well as you expect. Although multiple treatments and follow up treatments are done, some hair may still re-grow after treatments, especially for those who have very light hair or the laser is not calibrated correctly.

Another common problem faced after the treatment will be skin discoloration. There will be some changes on skin texture. This is a rare complication resulting from using laser against the skin. In normal situation, lightening or darkening of the skin is usually temporary. However, there is possibility that the change of skin color could last for a few months or even become permanent.

Last but not the least; we have to accept the fact that there is no 100% safest permanent hair removal method in the world without any side effect. Understanding the dangers of this treatment can help you to make better decision. In order to minimize your risks of undergoing this specific treatment, you are advised to select the experienced doctors which are qualified and recognized by the public. Experienced doctors are able to justify the right laser which suits your condition.

For more information about laser hair removal and the cost of laser hair removal, visit

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