Saturday, October 26, 2013

Low Level Laser For Pain Relief - My Magic Wand

I have been using low level laser on my clients for many years now and it can have some astounding results. It is especially good for removing pain. Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is also known as cold laser and is completely pain free, in fact you don't feel a thing. It has been used for decades in hospitals treating people with burns to decrease their pain and decrease the amount of time it takes them to heal. It is now being used by many health practitioners including doctors, chiropractors and even sports teams. I know of some sports teams that when the athlete gets an injury they put laser on the injury before they put the ice. It really is an incredibly powerful tool.

There has been very little known about the benefits of laser in the past partly because they were so expensive to buy. You had to have a lot of money just to have one in your clinic. Now as they become cheaper they are becoming increasingly more popular and there are even specialized health centers that do nothing else but laser on their clients.

LLLT was first discovered as a healing tool back in the 1960s. The researchers discovered that the laser light could stimulate the cells which increased their workload of metabolism. In short, laser sped up the healing process sort of like giving the cells a super boost. The laser light is converted by the body into a form of energy and the body then functions at a higher level of efficiency.

This is one of the reasons many of my clients call the laser my magic wand. They can feel so much better after the treatment and their pain sometimes can completely disappear. It is also approved in the states by the FDA. I have used laser to treat problems ranging from carpal tunnel syndrome to arthritis. If a person sprains and ankle or has an injury I strongly recommend for them to come ad see me because we can literally cut down the time it takes for them to heal. They get better quicker! Also, LLLT has no side effects, is completely painful and is very rapid to apply.

I had a client come to see me a while ago who had been suffering from post herpetic neuralgia (PHN). This is an extremely painful condition that is from shingles. Basically, the person suffers from shingles (which I have had when I was younger and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy-it excruciating!) and then after the shingles have gone they are still left with the pain. It's a cruel syndrome and generally very difficult to help. My client was from the United States and had come to panama for a holiday and I told her to try some laser therapy. She was initially reluctant because she had been to two different specialist pain clinics with no success, had taken enormous quantities of steroidal drugs and was currently taking in the vicinity of 2000mgs of anti inflammatories per day with very little relief. She also wore a patch on her back to cover her skin because if her shirt touched the painful area the pain would drop her to her knees. I used the laser on her back for less then ten minutes and two days later she said to me that she had halved the amount of medication she was taking. A day later for the first time in months she wore a shirt without the patch. I gave her one more treatment and she was pain free for the first time in a year.

This is just one example of laser and its almost miraculous results. I have also had success with many muscle and joint problems, for skin problems laser is exceptionally good and of course for treating new injuries it is second to none. It really can be a magic wand.

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