There are no guarantees with tattoo removal, please do not expect 100% of the tattoo to be removed this would be unrealistic; however it is almost certain that you will find a course of action that suits; your design, the colour of your design, your skin type and also ethnicity. This in combination with a little emotional acceptance on your part should see your unwanted tattoo removed and happiness restored to you. We will briefly outline the main techniques and discuss the concepts and strategies for each.
The Goal
Essentially and a little obviously the goal is to remove the tattoo ink from the skin, but how that is done depends on your specific individual case, for example dark coloured tattoo ink (black & blue) and modern pastel shade can be hard to break down, your skin colour effects which technique is used as some can leave slight discolouration that is more noticeable on darker skins. The main tattoo removal services you will find are; Laser therapy, dermabrasion and surgical excision.
Laser Therapy
This is by far the most common form of tattoo removal, an intense laser beam is focused on the area of the unwanted tattoo, and this heats the tattoo ink which then dissolves and is absorbed into the body.
This treatment typically causes uneven skin tone in darker skins so extra thought and advice should be sought if this is applicable to you.
Multiple treatments would generally be required, depending on the area of the tattoo and also the ink type. Out-patient basis
"Sanding" off the skin is essentially how this technique works. The top layers of the skin are effectively removed and dressings are used to absorb the tattoo ink.
Again multiple courses may be required, out-patient basis
Surgical Excision
Probably the most radical of the techniques covered here. As the name implies this procedure involves a surgical approach.
The surgeon very simply cuts the unwanted tattoo out, removing the skin and subsequently the tattoo ink. This will leave the most noticeable scar out of all of the techniques discussed so far and should be very carefully considered - you do not want to swap one problem for another. May require a general anaesthetic
When you first have a tattoo, always sleep on it - if you really want it you will still want it in the morning!
Please have realistic expectations if you choose to have your tattoo removed, there will be some degree of scarring or discolouration with any method you choose, but by selecting the best course of action this can be kept to a minimum
Always seek professional medical advice before any choice is made.
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