Moles are round or oval spots on the skin, usually dark coloured. Most are quite flat and, consequently, do not protrude much. They can be present since birth - sometimes called "birthmarks".
In childhood, or during the teenage years, moles can often disappear by themselves, but if they persist for 2 or more years they are permanent. At this stage, mole laser removal can be an effective way to get rid of them.
Even then, many people will decide to leave them alone, particularly if they are on a part of the body that is usually hidden by clothing, or are so small that they do not seem to matter. When one or two moles are visible on the face, they are sometimes regarded as "beauty spots" and left there permanently.
It should be emphasized that moles can be left alone permanently, so long as they appear unchanged. If a mole seems to grow, change colour, or otherwise appears unusual, than it is crucial to show it to a skin specialist, or dermatologist.
The specialist will then assess the appearance of the mole and will most likely perform a biopsy by removing a tiny sample of tissue for laboratory examination, in order to see whether the mole has cancerous properties.
When selecting a laser treatment, the laser beam strikes the mole, until it shrinks and disappears totally. The types of lasers include infrared YAG, or CO2. This form of treatment is quite recent and has the following remarkable advantages: Laser removal is rapid. Laser removal is safe. Laser removal is almost painless. Laser removal leaves little or no scars.
There are some disadvantages of mole laser removal, as follows:
The procedure is quite costly, especially since it is usually classed as "cosmetic surgery" and often not covered by insurance. Cost of the procedure can be in the range of $200-$400 per session. Often 2-3 sessions may be required.
The laser beam can not penetrate deeply into the skin epidermis. Consequently, deep seated moles could require 6 or more sessions, for total removal. Clearly, this is not practical.
Following laser treatment, slight skin discoloration, can occur. Skin discoloration eventually fades away with time. In the meantime, the dermatologist can prescribe a masking cream. Laser removal of a mole can ruin the diagnosis of a potentially cancerous lesion. Therefore, it is essential to perform a biopsy before a laser treatment. This often extends the removal period, also impacting on cost.
Apart from laser removal, there are a number of alternate methods, to get rid of moles.
Freezing and cutting are also effective treatments performed in surgery. These are less expensive procedures, but are slow to heal and could leave a scar.
Finally, there are a number of home remedies and treatments for eliminating moles. These can be surprisingly effective, by using everyday substances, often bought from a pharmacy without medical prescription, or from around the kitchen. Total cost is usually $20-$50. However, for these remedies to be effective, it is necessary to:
Find the right substance for your skin-type.
Select the right method of application of the selected substance
Judge the mole by appearance.
While this seems to be quite a problem, there is an electronic book I have compiled after years of research which greatly simplifies this process and can help you get rid of flat moles by a simple home treatment.
This electronic "eBook" also contains a description of the various professional techniques available, including laser removal of moles as well as other forms of treatment. It is inexpensive, and downloadable in minutes.
Dr. Ben Yardley
Author of "Natural Wart, Mole and Skin Tag Removal"
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