Laser hair removal is becoming more prevalent each day as more and more people opt for this method of removing unwanted hair. However, it requires careful consideration as it is still a medical procedure with all the inherent risks of any other medical procedure.
Fortunately, the side effects from laser hair removal are usually mild and short lived. While serious side effects are still possible, they are very rare. Let's take a look at what laser hair removal side effects you should expect and what to look for.
Common Side Effects:
Pain is the most talked about side affect when talking about laser hair removal. The laser light produces a short 'zap' when applied that feels similar to a rubber band snapping against your skin. The pain is easily bearable as it is very short in duration.
Some people with sensitive skin may experience more discomfort. Topical anesthetics are available to help minimize this pain if needed. The area to be treated may also see some tenderness after the procedure. Any follow-on discomfort can be adequately served with pain relievers such as Tylenol, topical anesthetics or a simple application of aloe vera cream.
Swelling is sometimes apparent after the procedure. It can be treated similar to the pain treatments above. You should tale to your practitioner if the swelling is serious or persists. This will help address the situation as quickly as possible and also help dictate in changes in the treatment regimen for next time.
Redness around the treated area is the most common and least harmful side effect.
It will usually clear up by itself after a few hours but aloe vera cream can be used here as well to help alleviate and discomfort.
Rare or Serious Side Effects:
Blistering of the skin is probably the most serious side effect other than outright burning of the skin. It can be very painful and lead to scaring if not properly treated. It is most often caused by improper settings on the laser. You should talk to your practitioner immediately if any blistering occurs. Changes will need to be made before the next treatment.
Do not hesitate to call another doctor if the blistering is particularly bad or painful. Many laser clinics are not staffed with licensed doctors and are not properly equipped to handle serious complications.
Hyperpigmentation is the temporary darkening of the skin.This will usually clear up after a day or two but if it persists, you should talk to your practitioner and make any necessary adjustments to treatment.
Burning of the skin is the most serious complication. The cause is similar to blistering in that the laser setting are wrong for the patient. If you feel burning you should stop the procedure immediately to prevent any serious damage and have a long, long talk with your practitioner. Burning should never happen!
Fortunately, most laser hair removal side effects are mild and short lived. Of course, each individual will experience these side effects differently so it's best to pay close attention to the procedure and understand what will happen before you begin treatment. Laser hair removal is generally a low risk procedure so with a little knowledge and preparation you should have a good overall experience.
I am a retired executive and small businessman who provides information services for entrepreneurs and consumers. If your looking for more information on laser hair removal side effects then visit us at where we discuss this an other issues of interest on laser hair removal for men.
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