Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How to Remove Skin Moles Naturally at Home - Best Mole and Wart Removal Tips

If you are one with an ugly mole or wart on your face, this question will surely haunt you from time to time. But before you consider your options for the removal of moles and warts from your skin, you must have some basic ideas about their nature. Or else, it can be hazardous for you.

What are warts? Warts are actually benign skin growths caused by a viral infection. Majority of them are harmless. The viruses that cause warts are known as papilloma virus (HPV). Warts can be dark, flat, smooth, rough and even elevated. There are several types of warts: 1) Common warts.2) Plantar warts 3) Flat warts 4) Facial warts.

What are moles? Moles appear due to hyper-pigmentation of the skin and are usually brown, or near black in color.They can be round, flat or raised and can be of various sizes. Moles can appear anywhere on your skin, alone, or in groups, but they are not as ugly-looking as warts.

How to remove moles and warts permanently? Moles are generally regarded as harmless growths, but they sometimes can turn into malignant melanoma. This kind of moles can give rise to skin cancer. Needless to say, if they are not removed in time, they can be fatal. Moles and warts can be removed by general surgery. But only a qualified dermatologist or a surgeon can do it. The mole or wart is removed with a scalpel, usually by shaving it off, or by incision. The wound is then left to heal while you are put on a heavy dose of antibiotics.

Lase removal is another option to get rid of moles and warts. Most patients do not require any anesthetics. The laser works by sealing the blood vessels and evaporating the tiny growths on the skin. This eliminates incision or bloodshed. After laser surgery, a scab is formed where the mole or wart existed previously and it will fall off gradually within a couple of weeks. A slight redness will occur but it will disappear slowly. Laser treatment, however, is expensive and requires several sittings with the specialist till the unwanted mole or wart gets removed from the skin completely.

If, however, you are someone who feels rather reluctant to go for general or laser surgery for the removal of moles and warts, there is a third option, which is by far the best option to remove skin moles naturally at home. You can learn more about it from: Hubpages.com/hub/How-to-get-rid-of-moles-naturally Get rid of moles

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