Laser therapy has been used successfully around the world for over 25 years. Cold Laser Therapy or low level laser therapy (LLLT) is a painless, sterile, non-invasive, drug-free treatment which is used to treat a variety of pain syndromes or injuries including fibromyalgia pain. Cold Laser Therapy can be used when the acceleration of healing from injuries is desired or when other conventional therapies have been ineffective for pain management.
Low-level lasers supply energy to the body in the form of non-thermal photons of light. Light is transmitted through the skin's layers at all wavelengths in the visible range. It is the light waves in the near infrared ranges that penetrate the deepest of all light waves in the visible spectrum. When low level laser light waves penetrate deeply into the skin, they optimize the immune responses of our blood. This has both an anti-inflammatory and an immuno-stimulant effect.
Unlike surgical lasers, low level therapy does not produce heat or damage tissues. This is why it is also called cold laser therapy. Typically when it is applied, you do not feel anything. Sometimes if the unit is placed directly over a nerve, one might feel a slight tingling sensation.
The possible benefits that one can experience from cold laser therapy include:
? Relief of acute or chronic pains (pain management)
? Increased blood flow to muscle spasms
? Reduced inflammation
? Promotes faster healing
? Helps generate new and healthy cells and tissue
The patient usually does not feel anything during the time the laser is "on." The laser works well when administered to most of the classic fibromyalgia tender points.
Because this laser therapy can be helpful with managing pain, I often use it over the fibromyalgia tender points that seem to be the most bothersome for the patient at the time of my examination. In some patients, pain reduction can be felt immediately. For others, it might take a few hours and for some, it doesn't work at all.
I have used Cold Laser Therapy in my office now for over six years now on fibromyalgia patients with some very good results. Cold laser is not commonly used in all offices. It would be my recommendation to call healthcare offices (some medical offices might have this therapy) in your area to see if they use this therapy. You might have a better chance of finding this device in a physical therapy, chiropractic or naturopathic office.
Dr. Mike Swierczynski DC, MS
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