Saturday, June 22, 2013

Attack That Hair! 5 Fabulous Reasons to Use Laser Hair Removal

Unwanted hair can be embarrassing and time-consuming to maintain whether you live in Chicago or another city. Over the years, endless methods have been applied to remove hair such as; waxing, shaving, depilatories, bad-odor creams, electrolysis and more. Have you ever thought of why there are so many methods to successfully or unsuccessfully, remove hair? Maybe it's because none of them are a permanent fix.

Laser hair removal throughout Chicago and other metropolitan areas became available in mid-1990 but has been commercially practiced for 20 years. Since its arrival in dermatologists offices, medical spas and more; laser hair removal is widely accepted and the latest method of permanent hair removal. There are at least 5 reasons to look into laser hair removal, beside the fact that you could stand to thin out the back hair. Here are five great reasons to get started today:

It's Permanent: Laser hair removal is permanent hair reduction. Through a series of treatments, the laser can damage the hair follicle which slowly prevents the follicle from growing hair. After a few treatments, the treated area of hair will either not grow back at all, or will be so fine that it virtually falls out. The series of treatments are special to every individual however; dark coarse hair responds best to lasers. Imagine no more shaving...ever!

Not as Costly: Messy shaving cream, razors, waxing at expensive salons, creams that can irritate your skin - besides the dreadful maintenance - it can be costly! Most women begin to notice hair on their legs and underarms when they hit puberty; 12, 13? Most men, probably the same. So imagine purchasing these products every few weeks just to get rid of one hair cycle until you return or purchase your next waxing appointment a few weeks later! It adds up! Invest once for permanent hair reduction with minimal or no touch-ups forever. Why wouldn't you invest in laser hair removal?

Painless: Waxing and electrolysis can be painful. Ripping off hair? Electrical depilation? Ouch! Yes, electrolysis is permanent however; the pain can be unbearable which may prevent you from attending all of your appointment; which can result in failure to remove the hair. Laser hair removal can be uncomfortable but with technology of the cosmetic industry, many lasers are painless! Do your research and call dermatologists or medical spas that offer painless laser hair removal machines and free consultations. Make an appointment and find out of you're a candidate today!

Save Time in the Shower: We all have dreaded it. For a woman, shaving your legs in the shower can take up to ten minutes! What about the bikini and the underarms? Every morning, we can spend the extra 10 - 15 minutes recovery in bed, that's an extra 7 hours a month! Men usually have help shaving their backs or other areas; they can forgo the embarrassment and have a licensed professional take care of it in just 30 minutes a month or two.

No More Stubble: How many times have you draped your hand over leg and thought, "I just shaved yesterday?" Probably too often. Even though the hair is not seen to the naked eye, stubble can feel pretty sharp in bed snuggling up to the hubby or your loved one. Remove the hair, the stubble and embarrass once and for all.

So what are you waiting for? I could go on encouraging you to look into laser hair removal but I know with one consultation, you will be sold and shortly be hair-free. Visit a licensed medical aesthetician or dermatologist today and break free from alternatives that have wasted your time and money. If you live in Chicago seek out and find a reputable medical spa and they can provide treatments for you. Remember, you have 5 fabulous reasons why you should get laser hair removal whether you live in Chicago or anywhere else!

Carlos Geventa loves to write about and covers many different areas that he finds interesting. He also writes about his experiences from his adventures. His recent trip for laser hair removal while in Chicago was inspiration for numerous articles Chicago LaserHair Removal

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