Friday, May 17, 2013

Laser Skin Peel

Dermatologists can reduce skin discoloration and other signs of aging by removing the outer layer of the skin with laser resurfacing. Fine lines and wrinkles can be removed or reduced. Even scars can be faded until they are barely noticeable or can be hidden with a light foundation.

In addition to the improvement in colors and marks on the skin, laser resurfacing also tightens the skin. This has the effect of a mild face lift resulting in a more youthful appearance. The tightening of the skin from laser resurfacing will usually persist for several months following the initial treatment. However, the results do vary between individuals, and some benefit more than others.

One very positive benefit is that the laser also stimulates the growth of new collagen, which helps the skin to remain tighter and appear younger looking naturally. Laser treatment requires specific techniques applicable for the various skin tones, so this type of therapy is best entrusted to a qualified dermatologist.

There are two types of lasers commonly employed and the dermatologist must select the more appropriate - and in some cases use both to target different levels of scarring. Laser treatment can cause scarring to certain dark complexions, so a competent professional is essential to ensure there is no damage caused by the therapy.

The skin is our natural barrier against infection, so removing the top layers does introduce some risk of infection. Precautionary medication is used to avoid any complications. People with sensitive skin may find recovery takes longer and infection more likely.

There is always the possibility of complications with this type of treatment, but the risk is minimal and manageable by competent qualified professionals. Performed correctly, the results can be very good and "turn back the clock" with rejuvenated skin and more youthful looks.

Author - Steven Henderson is a publisher of information websites about Health and Wellness including

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