Let's be honest here - most of us would rather not have to look into the mirror and have those dreaded wrinkles stare back at us. Well in that case, you may have heard of laser resurfacing - an anti wrinkle treatment option that's used by many women.
Whether you have fine lines around the eyes so fondly referred to as crow's feet or laugh lines from so many happy times, wrinkles are a sign that you are getting older, but you are as young as you feel, so why shouldn't your skin look as young as you feel?
Well, let's find out more about this option of laser resurfacing for wrinkles in this article, and then compare this option with wrinkle creams.
If you aren't familiar with laser resurfacing, then let's start off with what effects laser resurfacing has.
The laser removes your damaged, wrinkled skin on the surface. The end result after a healing time, is a more younger and healthier looking skin. Nothing truly removes deep wrinkles from your face but the laser can take away the surface of the wrinkle making them look much less noticeable, and fine lines and wrinkles can be reduced. It can also help remove age spots and skin scars too.
How does it work? The process is really quite simple. A small light energy laser will destroy the top layer of skin very quickly. It then heats the dermis, which is what stimulates the skin to grow. With the top layer of skin removed your body needs to regenerate and replace that skin with new fresh skin, which will look healthier, and less wrinkled.
Is laser resurfacing the treatment that's right for you and your wrinkles? Although nothing is for certain, there are many who do use this treatment option. Having a highly skilled technician will play a role in just how successful your treatments are. Do a little research, ask around, and check the web.
However, recovery from laser resurfacing takes time. In fact, it's rather extensive , and the recovery period can last from ten days to two weeks. The area that receives the treatment will need to be bandaged and it can be very painful depending on the extent of the procedure. You may also experience some redness in the areas that were treated. The pain is easily managed with over the counter pain medication.
So if you have laser resurfacing done, you'll have to perhaps put your social life on hold for a while.
So how does laser resurfacing compare to wrinkle creams and an anti aging treatment to look younger?
If you're comparing laser resurfacing to wrinkle creams that work, then wrinkle creams has certain benefits over laser treatments.
Firstly, wrinkle creams are non invasive, and don't involve burning off a surface layer of skin. As a result, there's generally less potential for redness and damage to the skin.
Secondly, with wrinkle creams, you get a "lift" of the skin which is important in younger looking skin, especially around the eye area. This lift is very often forgotten about when it comes to anti aging, and it literally will have your skin look 10 - 20 years younger as a result.
Thirdly, wrinkle creams provide much needed antioxidants which slow skin aging as well as allowing cells to resume their youthful, healthy functioning, which means your skin will look younger as time goes on. Not many treatments, except for wrinkle creams, can provide these antioxidants needed, for younger looking skin.
So there you have it.
You now know about laser resurfacing as an option for reducing the signs of aging, and how they compare to anti aging wrinkle creams that work.
So go for it and get gorgeous skin, and enjoy the benefits younger looking skin brings.
Go now to the wrinkle cream reviews of the wrinkle creams that work, in his review site by Marcus Ryan, wrinklecreamsreview.com wrinklecreamsreview.com including a wrinklecreamsreview.com/lifecell-wrinkle-cream Lifecell skin wrinkle cream review as well as a review on wrinklecreamsreview.com/athena-wrinkle-cream-review Athena 7 Minute Lift Cream. You'll also find out how to get these top creams to prove the results for yourself! So go for it and get younger looking skin, and turn back the clock and enjoy the feeling of seeing yourself 10-20 years younger.
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