Although many people seek Botox and never look back, more and more consumers are seeking alternatives.
Botox is effective, to be sure, but it's invasive, expensive and can be dangerous as some side effects are quite serious. Seeking out more natural alternatives, then, is desirable.
Some of these alternatives include Fraxel laser resurfacing, collagen injections, Juvederm injections, and wrinkle creams.
Let's look at these in detail.
Laser resurfacing
Traditional laser therapy involves targeting the affected area with lasers to reduce wrinkling, age spots and the like. Often, however, an unwanted side effect is damage to healthy skin tissue around the targeted area.
With Fraxel laser resurfacing, the lasers are highly targeted and specific. There is no damage to surrounding tissue and the collagen that's added to the skin helps to remodel the skin and as new skin cells develop, skin is freshened and looks younger.
The major benefit of this type of laser treatment is the non-invasive factor, something that Botox can't claim.
Collagen injections
We most often hear about collagen injections when women get these in their lips to plump them up, but collagen can also be injected in other parts of the face to plump it up, help to flesh out fine lines and wrinkles and give the skin a fresher, younger look.
Collagen injections aren't for you if you fear needles and are resisting Botox because of those fears, but if you aren't worried about the needle aspect, then collagen injections can be a suitable option for helping skin to look and feel younger.
Wrinkle cream
Since many of us want instant satisfaction, it's hard sometimes to think about using a product that won't provide an instant fix, but which will provide the fix we are after.
Wrinkle creams are often just as effective at smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles as other procedures, but often get overlooked as we consider more and more the office-based approach (going to a professional office and having a procedure done).
Wrinkle creams, however, have the distinct advantage of being cheaper, less invasive and easier to use than other forms of anti-aging treatments. And a good wrinkle cream, full of vital nutrients, will help to replenish your skin with regular use.
Hyaluronic acid injections
Hyaluronic acid is a new product that's basically an injectible gel. Made by the makers of Botox, these injections are designed to provide the same benefit at Botox, which is smoothing out fine lines and winkles and making skin appear softer and younger.
Hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in your skin, helps to add hydration and volume to your skin.
It is often used to help smooth out "smile lines" and the folds you get from the bottom of your nose to your mouth (often called the "parentheses"). It is actually approved by the United States Food & Drug Administration for lasting effects up to one year.
So there you have it.
Doing some research about any topic will open doors to more knowledge, but when it comes to your skin, it's even more important to do some research and be fully educated about the choices.
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