Thursday, March 7, 2013

Laser Hair Removal Side Effects - Is It Worth It?

A trend today in the world of beauty is this process called laser hair removal to remove any unwanted hair. It works by using a beam of light to damage the growth of hair follicles thereby eliminating it. Depending on the hair type and other factors, the effect could be permanent or at least the hair growth would be stunted and the hair refined. This process gives promising results but there are laser hair removal side effects. Be aware of these to take good care of your skin.

Here are some of the possible side effects you should be aware of. You could have a laser scar. Laser scars usually happen to people with darker skin or tanned skin. Fortunately, this problem no longer exists thanks to the new machines developed that cater to what the dermis can tolerate. Another possible side effect could be injury to the eyes. But this could be easily avoided by observing proper precautions. Both the practitioner and the client must wear safety goggles/eyewear, and just be plain careful.

Having tattoos might also be a problem. Discuss it first with a dermatologist to ask if it is safe to have laser hair removal on skin covered with tattoo. The tattoos might darken as well as irritate the skin. For normal skin, reddening might occur, especially if it has undergone more than one laser hair removal procedure. This is common among the laser hair removal side effects experienced by most who have undergone this treatment. Although this is quite minor, you can remedy it with cooling techniques and availing of therapy.

Similar to reddening are skin blisters. They are worse than reddening but fortunately there are now new ways to protect the skin from getting too much heat. There are cooling devices and freezing spray. The tissues of the affected area during the procedure are cooled by a contact chill tip. As for the freezing spray, it serves as protection to the dermis.

Some who have undergone the procedure in the same area more than once may also develop crusting. Those who have been exposed to long pulses of alexandrite and ruby lasers are particularly prone to this. To avoid developing of infection and further side effects, this should be treated by a dermatologist as soon as possible.

Others have experienced wound infections too after having laser hair removal. Although this is quite rare, taking antibiotics and medicines that have anti-viral effects will prevent any sort of infection.

And lastly, after having been exposed to lasers, the skin may either develop hyper pigmentation or hypo pigmentation. Hyper pigmentation is when the skin darkens and hypo pigmentation is when it lightens. When the skin darkens after laser hair removal procedure, you can easily remedy this with bleaching products. And also, having tanned skin makes the client more prone to this but this does not last long. Same goes with the hypo pigmentation, those with tanned skin are prone to this. These are the laser hair removal side effects. Although you should be wary of these, having laser hair removal is still worth it. Such side effects seldom happen and are only minor. Just be sure have it done by a reliable practitioner.

If you are worried about laser hair removal side effects, then maybe you should look at thermicon technology! Visit if you want professional, painless results from home.

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