happinesslifetime.com Laser removal for moles is just one of an array of options now medically available. Depending on what you've got, different removal methods will be more appropriate than others. This article will look at laser treatment, and compare it to cryotherapy and surgical excision.
First, what exactly is a mole?
Moles come in two broad categories: those you are born with, and those you acquire later on.
Moles you have in infancy are just birthmarks. Millions of people have one or more, and they are often referred to as beauty marks. They do you no harm, and remain much the same size, color and shape throughout your life.
Moles you get later in life may need treatment, but not always. Occasionally these can be a precursor to skin cancer, but do not be alarmed. If you see a mole on your skin that is new, that seems to be growing, or is bleeding a little, by all means see a doctor.
Moles are often treated with cryotherapy or surgery. Cryotherapy is literally freezing the mole off with liquid nitrogen, while surgery is just what it says.
There are also a range of natural remedies which are beyond the scope of this article. Suffice to say that some may be worth your time, while others are clearly ineffective.
Laser therapy is the use of intense light energy to burn off your mole. A small hand held laser is used, and no anesthetic is required, though you may want one as there can be a little pain.
Lasers work best for moles which are relatively small, and have relatively shallow roots. The reason for this is that the lasers used are very low energy, and do not penetrate the deep layers of the skin. So, moles which go deep into your skin may require multiple treatments if your doctor opts for laser therapy.
The other problem with deep moles is that they have an increased chance of recurring. Again, laser treatment may be a waste of your time and money if you have a deep mole.
As I said a little earlier, laser treatment can hurt. The pain has been likened to an elastic band being struck against the skin. There is a sting to it, but it is not very great. Just the same, for your comfort, local pain management may be appropriate.
Scarring can be a problem with laser therapy depending on the type of skin your have, but most folks report that they are quire happy with their results. Low scarring has meant that laser therapy has become a very popular option for mole removal worldwide.
Jim Evans is a mole and wart removal expert. For more great information on secretsofmolewartremoval.com/mole-laser-removal mole laser removal visit secretsofmolewartremoval.com secretsofmolewartremoval.com.
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