In present day, medical technology and procedures is at a level it has never before seen. There are also various kinds of conditions that it is not possible to treat or cure with the new technologies, however, research continues. Can laser treatment help ocular pinkness, is one of the complicated conditions that ophthalmologist and dermatologist alike are still in question about, continue to treat daily, but have yet not found a complete cure for.
Many doctors disagree on the percentage rate of those who have one of the skin varieties, also having the eye disorder. Some say that as many as eighty five percent who have the skin disorder, will also have the complicated eye condition. Others say it can be as low as twenty five percent.
Ocular pink, is more complicated to treat because it is in the eye. The characteristics include bloodshot eyes, loss of lashes, crusted lids and often sensitivity to light. Even though some claim that both skin and visual organs have the same type are the same type condition, it has been reported that there is no similarity between the two.
Several antibiotics are in use presently to help control the inflammation that affects the visual organ. The drugs must be administered by a physician and patients must be observed regularly while on the medication. Many drugs contain steroid types and if not observed properly can cause corneal problems, which fifteen percent of patients are susceptible to due to the present condition found in the orb.
Doctors recommend some over the counter artificial tears will eliminate the dry itchy feeling that accompanies the condition. Patients report at the onset that it feels as if a foreign object is in the eye. The drops will hopefully give relief as well it is recommended a home humidifier will relive some of the dryness.
It is also recommended that the patient stay well hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water, and avoid drinks with caffeine or alcohol since both are drying agents that strip the body of hydration. Avoiding any trigger foods or drinks is also recommended. Hot baths, exhaustive exercising, sunlight and others, depending on the degree of the condition and the patient, may also be triggers.
Women are twice as prone to contacting the disorder as are men. Therefore it is highly advised that women change their makeup supply every three months to avoid contamination from the used products. Keeping the margin and lid area clean is a must. A cotton swab saturated with baby shampoo has been noted to be an effective cleaning agent and remove the lid debris. Following the instructions of the physician exactly is of utmost importance. The antibiotic drugs, cleaning advise, food and drink and keeping the body hydrated seems to be the most sophisticated attempt to control red, dry and itchy eyes that accompany this serious condition.
Several different types of antibiotics are considered to be effective for the treatment regiment. There is a laser process called punctual cautery, but is only considered when the other treatments are not sufficient treatment. The procedure consists of burning the tear duct and the results are permanent. To date, can laser skin treatment help ocular pink, apparently has not yet been determined. The best source of information available is that which is given by either a dermatologist for skin disorders or an ophthalmologist who has the ability to treat and perform necessary procedures which will hopefully control the condition.
Are you looking for Juvederm Ottawa as well as laser Resurfacing Ottawa clinic? Then make sure to visit qualified clinic for the treatment provided by the professions with affordable pricing plan.
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