Phototricholysis, also known as photoepilation or light-based hair removal, is the process of removing hair using light at a preset wavelength which is delivered to the skin using a hand-held device. The purpose of the device is to generate heat or mechanical damage to the hair follicle. One method that is becoming a popular choice for people who wish to remove excess hair is Laser Hair Removal
How Phototricholysis Works
Lasers emit a low-energy wavelength through the skin that is absorbed by melanin (dark pigment) which is located in the shaft of the hair follicle. Light is absorbed by dark matter, so the laser pulse can be absorbed by dark material in the skin. People who have experienced this form of method report that the laser pulses feel like the snapping of a rubber band or warm pinpricks against the skin. The normal response is vaporization of the hair shaft which kills and removes the hair. Minor swelling and redness around the hair follicle will appear shortly after treatment. Since hair goes through cycles as it grows, it is usually necessary to undergo repeat treatments.
Different types of lasers may be used. The ruby, alexandrite, and diode were the first lasers approved for hair reduction. The intense pulsed light (IPL) systems are another method that is commonly used. Lasers with longer wavelengths, such as the NdYAG lasers, have the ability to treat darker skin types including African-American skin.
Laser Hair Removal Advantages
There are a number of benefits to using laser treatment to remove unwanted hair. There are a number of people who have reported long-lasting hair removal and some who have reported permanent procedure. Laser treatment is also considered safe with very few side effects. A few reported side effects have included: slight pain, swelling around the hair follicle, and redness and inflammation lasting one to three days. Some patients have experienced long-lasting permanent hair reduction. This method is also considered safe when a professional has performed the procedure properly. It is very effective when used on large areas of excess hair growth. It has been shown that darker hair responds best to the laser because the pulse is absorbed by the dark elements.
Preparation for Treatment
Patients who choose laser removal will consult with a Dermatologist. The Dermatologist will make an assessment that includes skin type, location of the hair, hair thickness, color of the hair, past hair removal methods, any skin conditions such as psoriasis or rosacea, and any abnormal tissue. Patients will also be required to give their medical history.
Number of Sessions
The number of sessions depends on a variety of factors that can include: gender, area being treated, and hair texture. Coarse dark hair on light skin is much easier to treat. Finer hair and hair on darker skin is more difficult to treat. Normally, three or more treatments are required at each site to achieve optimum results.
Costs of Treatment
Although phototricholysis can be expensive, the results make it well worth the cost of each session. Costs will depend on the area being treated, the physician performing the treatment, the number of treatments. It is advised that patients consult with a dermatologist who will help them understand the prices. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the national average cost for laser hair removal is $429.00.
Laser Hair Removal has become a common practice for people who want to remove unwanted hair. With the right knowledge and planning, your hair removing experience can be as normal as any other daily care routine
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