Laser hair removal has been around for quite some time but many feel that it was only introduced for women. This is no longer the case. Many doctors and experts have been performing this on men as well as women daily to treat that hair issue that we have to fight every day. Shaving for a man is something which they have to do just as much as women when it comes to their facial hair.
It is also quite harder to shave the face area since it is just not a flat surface. You have the neck and chin area which may sometimes be cut or nicked. Facial shaving may also be quite irritable to the skin after a long period of time. Your skin needs to relax and have a break from all the razor time. So what are the other options when it comes to facial hair removal? You have your waxing or even now a days many men are using Laser hair removal for their needs. So what is involved with this option and does it hurt? Well, let's find out.
When you are looking into the laser treatments for hair removal you will want to know the ins and out, especially when it comes to your facial area where many see daily. The FDA approved this laser treatment which is laser beams that kill off the hair follicle making your hair never able to grow again. Results will always vary due to your skin pigmentation and the color of your hair. For example; if your hair is darker you will be able to absorb the laser energy more than the lighter hair follicles. With any type of laser treatment you will have to fit the following criteria.
Men who have tanned skin will not be able to have this procedure done since tans mess with the skin's pigmentation due to the occurrence of blisters or even permanent discoloration of the skin after the process is completed. Men with natural darker complexions may not be great candidates due to these occurrences so make sure to speak with your dermatologist before jumping into this option of hair removal.
So after the consideration of who is the best candidate you may wonder now. Men who have all natural lighter skin complexions with darker hair would be great candidates. The hairs are more noticeable due to the lighter complexion and the laser energy will be able to trigger the follicle better. So we know what the positive aspects are of laser hair removal; no more shaving and more time to sleep in the morning. So what are the cons when it comes to this method?
Cons for hair removal done by laser can vary with individuals. The first aspect is money. It can be hundreds of dollars to have this procedure preformed but then again it can be a lifetime of change. Other considerations you will have to remember are that everyone does not have the same results. You may have a few treatments done but then hair may still grow back here and there on your skin if a follicle was missed. In the end many men feel that this is more of an investment in their live so they will never have to shave again. The choice is yours.
Kelly Hunter owns and operates Mens Electric Shavers and also writes about Braun 8595 Shaver.
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