Most men and women consider unwanted pigmented hair as a cosmetic problem. The unwanted hair can be on the face or other areas of the body such as the ears and back. Many of the methods used in hair removal are not permanent. Laser removal offers a way of removing hair and keeping it from growing back again. This procedure is highly effective, but are there risks involved in laser hair removal?
The most common ways to remove hair include shaving, waxing, tweezers and the more expensive electrolysis procedure. These methods, however, are not permanent, and hair eventually grows back after a few days or weeks. With a laser hair can be permanently removed. It will not grow back again.
This procedure involves targeting the hair follicle's root with a laser beam. The laser beam focuses on the melanin or dark coloring of the hair. Initially, the procedure worked best on people with dark hair and light skin. Today, new lasers allow the procedure to be successfully performed on almost any type of hair or skin. Several sessions are usually required to achieve the desired results.
In general, laser hair removal is safe as long as you choose a fully trained professional to perform the procedure. A professional can also advise you if the procedure is suitable for you, and may even offer alternative ways to remove hair. Laser removal is a fast and painless procedure and each session is expected to take only an hour to minimize exposure to the light beam. You will have to go back for more sessions as needed to kill new hair growth. It is easier to treat people with coarse dark hair and light skin. Those with fine hair and darker skin are harder to treat and will require more sessions. Also, the procedure is not advisable for people with tanned skin as this can lead to burning of the skin.
Laser hair removal is not dangerous and the person undergoing the procedure should only feel a slight pressure or discomfort on the surrounding skin. A slight swelling in the area under treatment may occur, and skin discoloration and scarring can happen in rare cases. Obviously, an untrained or poorly trained staff will increase the risks of the hair treatment.
Complications like scarring is generally not considered a risk, as long as the procedure is done by trained professionals. Before you decide on this hair removal procedure, ask for professional advice to minimize any risk involved in laser hair removal.
Learn more about laser hair removal side effects and other laser hair removal information by visiting our website today!
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