Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Laser Surgery Stretch Mark Removal - How it Works

Stretch marks are a form of scarring that anyone can experience. They are typically caused by rapid weight gain where the skin is not given enough of a chance to stretch naturally. On some people they are quite subtle and you can hardly notice them whereas on others they are very discolored and bothersome. The skin is fairly elastic but when the skin grows fast such as from rapid weight gain or breast enhancement surgery, stretch marks can appear.

Fortunately there are various options for treatment available to choose from, one which is laser surgery stretch mark removal. This is usually considered as being a last resort when you have tried other methods to no avail. The procedure itself is quite simple. There is no special preparation needed and during the procedure a laser is used around the marks and disrupts molecular bonds in skin. It is an incredibly advanced procedure that is unlike any other used today.

The benefit of laser surgery for stretch marks is that it works to disintegrate the tissue and get rid of marks without actually taking any skin away. This is different from other laser procedures and art of what makes it such a popular choice.

The procedure takes no time at all and you should be able to go back to work immediately after. You may notice a slight blistering or redness where the laser was used. New skin is growing in that area so it may be tender and tight. Most people heal up completely within just a few days however it can take as long as a couple of weeks for others.

The surgery in most cases is incredibly effective. In the majority of cases the marks are completely gone and you cannot even tell where the laser was used. Do not get discouraged if you can still see noticeable marks after because for some people it takes more than a single treatment for them to disappear completely. Some patients even require up to ten laser treatments before they get the results they want.

Once you have removed the marks of course you want to keep them from coming back. The best way to do to this is to eat a healthy nutritious diet and work out regularly. This helps you stay in shape and prevent rapid growth of the skin. Using a stretch mark treatment like Bio Oil will also be helpful, to replenish and nourish your skin and prevent stretch marks and uneven skin tone.

A great way to remove scar tissue is to laser stretch marks. It is just one stretch mark removal method and there are more. Read about additional methods by clicking on the highlighted links.

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