Friday, November 29, 2013

The Risks of Laser Hair Removal

Although laser hair removal is considered safe and is licensed as a permanent hair reduction method as with any medical treatment there are a number of potential risks associated with it.

Potential side effects can be divided into two categories. Short term side effects; those that are temporary and go away after a short period of time, and long term side effects; those that remain long after treatment is completed and perhaps even permanently.

The pain of the treatment itself is one short term side effect, although patients more usually describe this side effect as discomfort rather than pain. Any discomfort or pain can be minimised by the use of anaesthetic creams and painkillers taken prior to treatment. Temporary reddening and swelling of the skin is another commonly experienced side effect which can be minimised through the application of ice to affected areas.

Longer term side effects include burns, blistering and changes in the pigmentation of the skin.

Burns occur when the energy of the laser is absorbed by the skin around the hair rather than the hair itself. Most burns are not serious and quickly heal, but there is the potential for long term scarring of the skin. The chance of this type of burning can be reduced by making sure that the correct type of laser for your skin is used.

Changes in pigmentation occur when the laser affects the melanin production within the skin.

All of these longer term problems are more prevalent amongst those with darker skin colours as measured on the The Fitzpatrick Chart.

There are a number of medical conditions that render patients unsuitable for laser hair treatment. These include lupus, diabetes, active herpes infection amongst others. It is important to check with your doctor before commencing laser treatment if you have a long term health problem.

Although these risks sound alarming the chance of a patient experiencing such problems can be greatly reduced by ensuring that treatment is done by the most experienced provider possible. As a bare minimum treatment should be done at a licensed clinic run by an experienced doctor and all treatments should be performed by medically trained staff. It is also important to choose a clinic that has the most up to date machines available. Laser machines are constantly developing and newer ones are significantly more effective than older models. This is particularly important for patients with darker skin or lighter hair as using more modern equipment can have a significant impact on both the outcome and risks associated with laser hair removal.

Rachel North is an internationally published health and beauty writer. Please click the following links for more information about laser hair removal risks or for a laser hair removal cost guide

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