Monday, September 16, 2013

Give Your Pits a Blitz This Christmas With Laser Hair Removal

Is there anything worse than getting to the Christmas party dressed up to the nines, acting full of confidence to find that when you raise your arms up for the Y.M.C.A, you notice unsightly stubble under your arms? What can make you even more embarrassed is if someone else notices the excess hair too!

What solutions are there to the horrible superfluous hair faux-pas? Razors seem to be an easy option, but even the best shaving system will only remove the hair until it grows back the next day or sometimes sooner. Some of my friends say that they can see hair coming through whilst they are out on the town! Not a good look at all.

Hair removal creams offer a slightly longer lasting smooth finish, however the creams can be messy and most carry an unpleasant odour. Application takes 10-15 minutes and the cream dissolves the hair to just under the skin's surface, meaning that again the hair can grow back through quickly giving the 5 o'clock shadow under the arm.

Waxing is the longer-lasting approach that removes the hair from the root either using a strip to pull the warm wax off, or a hot wax that is ripped off as it dries. It has been said that the hotter wax is less painful as it pulls on the hair and not the skin, but both can be quite painful, after-all it is ripping the hair from your skin! Unless you are really brave, this also is the kind of treatment you can only have in the salon environment meaning on-going costs for you, as well as having to put up with grow-back. Having to wait for it to be long enough seems to always coincide with the Christmas party, so this is not always the best option either.

One other method of hair removal is electrolysis, this is where a probe is inserted into the hair follicle and then a heat or chemical release damages the hair bulb so that it doesn't grow back or it has difficulty in growing back. Although eventually it is a permanent method of hair removal, it can take years to remove all the unwanted hair and can be painful, so popularity has diminished in recent years.

Possibly the best solution for a pits blitz is laser hair removal treatment. A high level of energy in the laser light is aimed at the melanin pigment within the hair. The melanin converts the energy into heat, destroying not only the hair but the hair matrix and hair bulb at the base of the follicle. As the hair has to be in a particular stage of hair growth, not all the hairs will be removed in one go, as a result you will have to come for more than one treatment. People who have had the treatment describe it as uncomfortable rather than painful with great results.

About the Author
Gill Grozier - sk:n was established in 1990 and is the UK's leading provider of skincare treatments and products including: botox, laser hair removal and laser tattoo removal.

For interviews, images or comments contact:
Gill Grozier
Marketing Manager

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