Monday, August 19, 2013

What Type of Baldness Can the Laser Comb Help?

The laser comb manufacturer specifies the types of hair loss that the laser comb may work on. Specifically, you must be a male suffering from androgenetic alopecia. This condition is commonly referred to as male pattern baldness. It is important to make sure you are suffering from this type of baldness and do not have a different medical condition.

There is a classification system that defines the severity of male pattern baldness. The laser comb is marketed to people who have Norwood Hamilton Classifications of IIa-V. Additionally, they should have a skin type of I-IV on the Fitzpatrick scale.

The Norwood Hamilton Classification system is named after two doctors from two decades who both worked towards defining and classifying cases of male pattern baldness. First of all, classic male pattern baldness involves a receding hairline into a classic "m" shape. Additionally there is a bald spot on the crown of the head.

People who suffer from male pattern baldness can have any combination of these two types of hair loss. You may only have a receding hair line. Or you may only have a bald spot. You could also have a combination of the two.

Additionally, men suffer from different severities of these two types of hair loss. Your bald spot may be severe while your hairline may be minimal. The Norwood Hamilton Classification System has 7 types of combination's of severity for these two symptoms of male pattern baldness. They range from Type I, which is normal hair, to Type VII which is complete baldness on the top of the head.

There is a similar classification chart that defines skin type. This is called the Fitzpatrick Skin Types. Basically an individual will answer questions about their skin. These questions include what color your skin, hair, and eyes are. Additionally how does your skin react to sunlight etc? Fitzpatrick Skin Types range from I-VI. Typically, Type I is a fair0skinned person who burns easily while Type VI is a darker-skinned person who tans in the sunlight.

It is not recommended that anyone with Type V or VI skin use any sort of laser or light therapy. To me, this seemed a little counter-intuitive when I first heard about it. But it is because people who can tan have skin that produces more melanin. These skin types run the risk of discoloration and scarring with laser therapy because of too much melanin production.

You can see if the laser comb will work for you by determining your hair and skin classification and with laser comb info

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