Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Laser Hair Removal Guide - Get Permanent Hair Reduction Easily

Laser hair removal process is a process in which a doctor applies a low-energy laser to the skin where the patient's hair follicles are located. It works by sending intense pulsating light (IPL) down the hairs and burning out the follicle. One has to undergo several treatments, so that hair doesn't grow back again. In most of the cases, the hair removal is not permanent and the hair grows back due to the carelessness of the people as they need to take maintenance treatments every year, but they do not care about it and then suffer. Laser hair removal is growing very popular these days. This technique is usually misunderstood as permanent hair removal system, but actually it is a hair reduction therapy. The laser technology was developed in the mid-seventies. But, now it's getting common among people.

Melanin is a compound that gives out hair and skins its color. The melanin is targeted and the laser is directed into the follicle and it thus destroys it. The laser therapy was not earlier considered suitable for dark hairs on fair skin. But, now even the red hair can be treated which were once considered to be untreatable. The type of a skin a person is having and the color of his hair determines how suitable a person is for laser hair removal. It's easy to undergo laser treatment if the patient is light skinned dark haired. But, the problem occurs if the patient is dark skinned or light haired as the laser cannot easily distinguish between the hair and skin when such conditions exist. Different kinds of lasers are used for different skin/hair combination like:

Ruby: This is an outdated hair removal system as its side effects like burning or pigment changes were very severe for people who did not have white skin.

Alexandrite: This is the most effective treatment, but it is suitable only for the fair skin.

Pulsed Diode Array: This is close to infra red light which is expanding the skin type to a medium colored skin.

Ned YAG laser: This is suitable for all skin colors, but there is no evidence which could prove that it has long lasting effects.

Laser hair removal technology can reduce the amount of hair growth to a great extent in people with the right hair/skin color combination. It is a fast, painless and inexpensive process. It is a long-lasting permanent hair reduction method and more suitable than other hair removal methods like as shaving, waxing, or electrolysis.

The time-duration for this process depends upon the size of the area that is undergoing laser treatment. Small areas require lesser time duration while larger areas require more time-period. The time-duration is not too long as it makes the patient uncomfortable. After the treatment, one is offered ice or other methods for cooling the skin as it reduces any discomfort and minimizes redness and swelling if any due to treatment. Then, it is recommended not to wax or pluck the areas that have been treated. The no. of sittings required to gain permanent hair reduction differ from patient to patient and also upon the area to be treated. For the people with darker skin and lighter hair, generally more sessions are required. But, for the people with light skin and dark hair, lesser sessions are required.

Larry Thomsan is author of Hair Removal Information.For more information about Laser Hair Removal Cost, Laser Hair Removal for Men visit

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