Ok, so you have finally collected enough money to get that multi session laser hair removal treatment going. However, because of the serious money you are about to spend, it would be wise to ensure that you are readily prepared for the treatment. That way, you won't have any regrets after you have spent all that money.
Don't panic! Your practitioner will usually have a list of things you should and should not do before starting treatment.
Let us take a look at some of the more general things you should do need to know in order to prepare yourself;
Avoid tanning for at least four to six weeks before you go for your laser treatment. A good precaution is to always put on sun screen lotion during this time period. The reason for avoiding the sun is because the sun helps your skin produce melanin. Melanin is what makes your skin change its color, Melanin also happens to be what the laser is targeting in your unwanted hair. Why? It is because melanin absorbs the laser energy and converts it into heat. If enough heat is produced, the hair follicle is destroyed. If there is too much melanin in your skin, most of the laser energy will instead be absorbed by your skin. This means that only the leftovers will be absorbed by your hair which in turn means that not enough heat will be produced in your hair follicle in order to destroy it.
Go easy on vitamin A supplements as well as ingested Beta Carotene. Ingested Beta Carotene can usually be found in vegetables such as carrots and squash. The reason why you should avoid go easy on Beta Carotene is because it happens to change your skin color to a subtle orange or yellow color, which means once again that more melanin is produced in the skin, therefore diluting the power of the laser energy that is targeting the hair follicle.
More info on hairsect.com Laser Hair Removal can be found by visiting hairsect.com hairsect.com.This website is also dedicated to helping people understand how the process of hairsect.com/laser-hair-removal-treatment.html laser hair removal treatment works, as well as what makes a person the right candidate.
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