Advancements in laser technology have enabled the cosmetic surgery industry to offer aesthetic procedures that are safer, more effective, and much less painful than traditional cosmetic surgery methods. What is it about lasers that have enabled cosmetic surgery to progress so far in such a short time, where is the industry headed, and how does the technology fit into the mix?
Lasers - we've all heard the word and know that a laser is a form of light, but how is light able to be transformed into a surgical instrument? The word "laser" is actually an acronym, which stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. What makes laser light different from other light, such as from a light bulb or fire, is direction. Light is an electro-magnetic wave, which in most cases expands to fill every unobstructed direction, similar to waves on the ocean. The energy of laser light, however, is intensely concentrated and focused in a single direction. The concentration of light energy is so powerful that the beam can be used for making incisions. The focus of the light can be pinpointed so accurately that laser is the ideal tool for many cosmetic procedures.
Because of the rapid advancement in laser technology, buying laser systems for aesthetic procedures is similar to buying a new computer. It doesn't matter whether you buy the newest, fastest, shiniest model today - tomorrow the new, ultra-shiny, amazingly fast model will roll off the assembly line and yours will be considered old news.
SmartLipo, for example, uses YAG laser technology to break up fat deposits beneath the skin. As the laser dissolves the fat, it also heals the blood vessels in the area to ensure less bleeding, swelling and bruising in patients. Now, a newer model of laser has been released to assist physicians with the SmartLipo procedure. Called MPX, the newer generation of SmartLipo features an even more powerful laser. Contrary to some misleading marketing, however, the new generation laser does not allow the removal of any more fat from a single area than the older generation laser - there are still other safety considerations that prevent too much from being removed from a single area.
It is likely that future rapid advancement in laser technology will continue to impact the aesthetic surgery arena. Equipment manufacturers are taking advantage of the increased popularity of aesthetic procedures by looking for new markets in which to sell their very expensive instrumentation. Physicians without experience in cosmetic surgery who are looking for ways to increase the profitability of their practice are often tempted to invest in one of these state-of-the-art lasers.
However, with cosmetic surgery, as with computers, the equipment used is simply one aspect of the procedure. The lasers by themselves do not determine success any more than your new computer makes you a programming genius; they are merely the tools which, in the hands of skilled surgeons, can reshape your body and give you the smoother, more beautiful you. So when selecting a surgeon to perform your aesthetic procedure, your first concern should not be which generation of technology is in use, but whose hands are in control of your transformation. Take great care in making sure you are in capable, competent, trustworthy hands!
Dr. Amir Rassoli, a long-practicing internist and emergency room physician, heads the Center for Beautiful Bodies (, a premier cosmetic surgery clinic in Houston, TX.
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