Numerous acne scar skin care products and methods are currently available in the market. For those suffering from scars left by acne or severe forms of pimples, here are some solutions to your dilemma.
Causes of scarring
Acne scar skin care products and procedures might not even be needed if you focus more on prevention. To have a better chance of avoiding scars, it is imperative that we first know what causes them. Scars are caused by severe forms of pimples or acne. It could get worse if the person suffering from the condition has a habit of scratching, touching or scrubbing his or her face too often.
Scars appear when tissues are injured. The human body has a natural tendency to repair damaged tissues and prevent an infection. However, the process of natural repair tends to leave marks on the skin. Scarring also depends on the skin type of the person. There are those who only suffer from minor scratches, while there are others who produce unsightly marks that have heights called keloids.
Types of scars
There are various types of scars caused by acne. They vary in appearance and level of severity. Keloids are scars that have heights and are the worst form in terms of appearance. Ice pick scars are deep and have the appearance of a surface touched by an ice pick, hence the name. Box-cars, on the other hand, are angular in appearance, much like the ones caused by chicken pox. Rolling scars are wave-like and can be deep or superficial.
Treatment options
There are a number of ways to treat scars caused by severe acne. Topical treatments such as BioSkincare, Kelo-cote, Mederma and Retin-A are just some of the remedies that can be easily purchased and used. However, for more severe forms of scarring, a more complicated form of treatment might be needed.
For severe acne scars, topical treatments might not be enough. Particularly with keloids and other deep-seated scars, laser treatment and surgical procedures might be the only way to get rid of the unsightly marks. Aside from the use of laser, modern science has also produced various techniques for getting rid of scars. One is autologous fat transfer, wherein fat taken from another part of the body is injected into the scar to elevate and smooth out the surface. Another is dermabrasion, which involves the removal of surface skin. However, dermabrasion does not work on some types of scars, particularly ice pick marks.
Acne scar skin care products and procedures might be easily accessible, but this doesn't mean that patients should just choose whatever they want without consulting a skin specialist. No matter how many recommendations have been made for a particular product, it is still advisable to seek the opinion of experts since what works for one person might not be effective for another.
Learn about other acne skin care options available from Acne Blemish Laser Treatment to natural treatments and over-the-counter alternatives at =>
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