If you have been undesirably blessed with a mole on an embarrassing part of your body or have developed moles during your formative years then you might want to get rid of them in a safe manner. If you have unsuccessfully tried various home remedies, natural treatments, and over-the-counter products, and are apprehensive about traditional surgery to remove your mole or moles then you should definitely explore the laser therapy mole removal option.
You could be afflicted with moles that might belong to different categories such as sebaceous moles, junctional moles, decimal moles, compound moles, or blue moles, that each has different characteristics and sizes. Unlike traditional surgery that might uproot the mole in one single sitting, laser therapy requires several sessions that slowly destroy each layer of the mole with a precisely guided CO2 or Erbiumyag laser beam.
You might require local anesthesia over the mole and its surrounding area during treatment to eliminate any pain, which anyway is minimal. The laser beam basically cauterizes each layer and this ensures hardly any bleeding at all. This ensures that no stitches are required after laser therapy mole removal. However, laser therapy has proved to be more successful on flat or raised moles that do not have very deep roots since moles tend to bounce back with added aggression and size if they are not eliminated completely from the roots.
You should make it a point to visit a trusted dermatologist that can examine your moles and suggest appropriate treatment. Laser therapy requires a few sessions based on the size and depth of your moles. This form of treatment is also quite costly as compared to creams or traditional surgery, but if successful hardly leaves behind any scars. Once the treatment is completed then you will observe the formation of scabs over your moles that will usually fall off within a week. There is also a risk that another mole might replace the existing one if the roots of that mole have not been completely destroyed by the laser.
If you do opt for laser therapy mole removal treatment then you might also need to pay the bills from your own pocket since most insurance companies do not pay for such cosmetic treatments. You will also need to undertake regular checkups once your treatment is complete so as to observe if any new mole is trying to emerge in place of the old one. In case you have a history of skin pigmentation or vitilago then you might need to undergo skin tests before starting the treatment. Laser treatments involve the use of low and high intensity laser beams to slowly destroy the mole while ensuring minimal damage to surrounding tissues. You might require up to 3 sessions before a mole is fully destroyed by the laser.
If you have tried all types of mole removal treatments including using homemade concoctions, products made from natural ingredients or over-the-counter creams that usually involve acidic chemicals, and are also afraid to go under the knife then you still have one option left. You could opt for laser therapy mole removal treatment that is painless and usually leaves behind no scars. Although this form of treatment is quite costly, it will usually reward you with freedom from moles and a clear skin that bears no scars.
Martin Sanderson is an expert on plantarwartremoval.info/mole-laser-removal.php mole laser removal for more information before considering laser treatment visit plantarwartremoval.info plantarwartremoval.info today, there you will find more free expert information regarding plantar and other wart / mole removal solutions.
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