Tuesday, April 23, 2013

5 Nasty Effects Laser Removal Clinics Prefer Not to Mention

Even though there are other ways to remove body hair like waxing, shaving and creams. Those are not considered as permanent hair removal and because of that they are discarded. The lack of information usually gets people to pay more money and do some laser sessions, not taking in mind that they are putting their body into some danger.

Most people do not know, but happinesslifetime.com laser removal is not a 'cosmetic procedure' but a medical procedure. If we like in or not medical treatments have risks! Here are five dangers of laser hair removal your clinic might not emphasize on.

1. There are many known dangers of laser hair removal procedures which are not placed in front possible clients when at the first meeting. Patients are usually told of some short-term unwanted effects that are normally for limited time only. They are not always told that slight reddening of the skin or local swelling which can some times carry on for weeks! Think of going to work with your back red and soaring, or giving urine with bikini line burns.

2. Laser hair removal can also damage to the skin within the follicle of the hair, and side effects could be expected. Itching, redness and swelling around the treatment area are common. Discomfort, tingling and numbness are usually to be expected too. Those should not last for over a week. They can turn nasty when combined with exposure to the sun, or some chemical creams and lotions.

3. People who have a darker skin pigment (Afro-Americans, India, and Latin America) could even end up being damaged by laser treatment with intense skin burning. The darker your natural skin pigment is the likelihoods are greater that your skin will absorb more of the laser light. Your skin might end up toasted instead of treated. You will find some extreme graphic examples of dark skin clients at YouTube. It is up to you to ensure that you are a reasonable candidate for laser treatment.

4. Some very disturbing outcomes from laser hair removal may be the re-growth of wild hair in patches. The intense light is supposed to be absorbed by the black pigment of the hair fossil but the heat is also radiation that heat DNA into unwanted levels. Those hair patches though not dangerous are extremely upsetting. While your expectations going to a laser clinic are to be smoother, thinking of a bikini you can show off with, you find ugly ape hair patches on your body. These patches sometimes come along with sore spots causing extra unwanted pain on top of the over all agony.

5. In case you are on any personal medication, it is important to let the clinic know before the treatment plan starts. Some drugs could damage either the treatment or your health. It is best to notify your doctor on your plans to do a cosmetic laser treatment and ask his advice regarding the medication.

Laser hair removal safety information is public and well known and researched, even though there are numerous clients men and woman who find them self 'surprised' at the end of lengthy laser sessions with unwanted effects.

If you think education is expensive? Try ignorance...
More laser removal safety and dangers tips you just can't afford NOT to know: laserhairremovalsafety.org Laser Hair Removal Safety
It's YOUR body & YOUR responsibility to know: dangersoflaserhairremoval.org Dangers Of Laser Hair Removal

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