Thursday, February 7, 2013

What to Expect After the Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

There are quite a few things to expect once you have finished your first session of laser hair removal treatment. Understanding the after effects of the treatment can also help you to speed up the process of the occurrences.

So, let's get started!

After you have completed your first laser session, it is advised that you apply some aloe Vera lotion to your skin. This can only help to sooth your skin from the potential stress it might have gone through during the treatment.

The first thing you will notice is that all the hair that had been treated will start shedding. However, in order for the shedding to occur, your hair would first have to grow until it passes through your skin. In general, you will find that shedding will occur within 7 - 10 days from the time of treatment, and can continue shedding up till 3 weeks from time of treatment.

A great way to speed up the process of shedding is by either exfoliating or scrubbing your skin in the shower with a loofah.

Once the shedding process is completed, you might find small black colored dots left behind in your skin. These black dots are commonly known as pepperspots. Don't panic if this happens to you. The pepperspots will also shed from your skin eventually.

Exfoliating will also help to speed this process of this occurrence up.

Once all the shedding has completed, the laser treated area of your skin will go through a "hair free" period that can last for a few weeks until the dormant hair starts to grow. Once enough hair in the laser treated area of your skin has come out, it will be time to go for your next session of laser hair removal treatment.

Please keep in mind that if you do not experience any shedding after the laser treatment, it is necessary that you inform your technician about this occurrence so that he or she can put the settings of the treatment higher in order to rectify the problem.

Read more on Laser Hair Removal by visiting This website is also dedicated to helping people understand how the process of laser hair removal treatment works, as well as what makes a person the right candidate.

1 comment:

  1. Hi everybody! I was make my hair removal in klinik esthetika, it is the best clinic in Delhi for Laser Treatment. If you want to remove your unwanted hair permanently then the Klinik Esthetika is the best option in my view. Because this clinic is best for Laser Hair Removal India.
