Over the last few years, the procedure of laser skin resurfacing has become a very popular cosmetic surgery option for those who want rid of scars and other imperfections. One of the reasons that it is so popular is because, depending on the type of procedure done, the downtime and recovery period is so much shorter than a lot of other cosmetic procedures.
It is less invasive than other cosmetics, as it uses only laser light to do its work, no harsh chemicals or abrasive wheels here. The technique employed during laser skin resurfacing directs pulsating beams of light directly at the irregular skin to be removed or resurfaced. The laser removes the skin in a precise manner, layer by layer, with very little pain and skin irritation.
What Makes A Good Candidate For Laser Skin Resurfacing?
The usual candidates that request and receive this type of cosmetics procedure basically fall within two broad groups: those that are looking at it as an anti-aging aid, and those wishing to remove scars and blemishes from accidents and acne. The majority of the first group will often combine resurfacing with a face lift and neck lift for a total overall anti-aging package. For aging skin, this results can be astounding.
The second group will often use resurfacing to remove the effects of acne, from shallow scars to the darkened blemishes that can be left behind, even after the acne has been long healed. As an acne treatment, done over time, it can completely restore the overall skin tone and smoothness as if acne was never present. The only acne scarring that would not be able to be removed through laser resurfacing would be the very deep ice pick type of scarring. Those kinds of scars generally go beyond the first couple of layers of skin, and may actually extend into the subcutaneous layers. Laser resurfacing is not generally done beyond the first few layers of skin, so that further irritation of the skin, as well as potential damage, can be avoided.
How It Works
There are two basic laser light methods that can be employed for laser resurfacing: Carbon Dioxide, or CO2, and Erbium. Both of them are used to vaporize damaged skin cells while reducing the risk to the patient by limiting the amount of heat absorbed by the skin during the procedures.
CO2 laser resurfacing has been used for years to treat various skin conditions like wrinkles, acne, warts, birthmarks and skin cancer. It is not recommended for stretch marks or for patients with very dark skin, as the residual effects could leave lighter patches than normal. It uses timed pulses or continuous light in a pattern that removes very thin layers of skin with minimal heat. The recovery time from the CO2 laser is around two weeks.
Erbium laser resurfacing is designed to remove the deep lines and wrinkles that appear on the face, hands, neck and chest. There is very little burning of the surrounding tissues as the layers are removed, making it perfect for those patients with a darker skin tone. The recovery time from this laser is much faster than that of the CO2, often less than a week.
Potential Complications
During your recovery, be certain to apply whatever lotions your doctor prescribes, as well as keeping any sterile dressings clean, and change them often. Even with the best of after-care, complications can arise from time to time, but can be easily treated if they occur. The most important thing that you can do while you are healing is to stay out of the sun, and quit smoking, if you do. The effects of second-hand smoke on healing skin can also be detrimental, so stay away from it as best you can.
Blotches may appear after laser skin resurfacing, but these can be easily removed by your dermatologist later, with a light bleaching agent. This often the case with darker skin tones more than others. There may be swelling of the healing area, a normal side effect, and this can be eased by sleeping with your head elevated, generally with no more than one extra pillow. Red skin, like a sunburn, is also to be expected.
Tired of old acne scars keeping you down? Talk to the caring professionals at true-md.com True MD for an expert consultation about what laser skin resurfacing can do for you. Also check out our new page on true-md.com/SkinCare/LaserSkinResurfacing.aspx Laser Skin Resurfacing
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