Here is what to expect when undergoing laser treatment. During the treatment process, an Alase laser technician will be pressing a light and laser-based instrument that is held to the skin. The light will then pass through the skin as soon as it is activated. The laser will then specifically target the hair follicles. The hair follicle is where the hair growth is coming from.
It is the intense heat of the light that causes damage to the follicles and inhibits its hair growth function. Follow up treatments are required to make sure that the hair removal treatment is effective. Mostly, it requires six to twelve treatments to achieve the best results. Though all hairs are disabled temporarily after every treatment, there are still some hairs that are not fully destroyed. This will then require follow up sessions to accumulate the results.
The best candidates for this treatment are those that have light colored skin and dark colored hair. This big contrast with skin and hair colors needs lesser treatments compared to those who have dark skin and hair. Alase laser hair removal can be done on any area that has an excessive or unwanted hair growth except the areas that are near the eye. The common ones are on the neck, face, chin, upper lip, back, check, armpit, abdomen, legs and bikini area. So, you can get rid of unwanted hair safely and effectively.
Laser hair removal does work. You should schedule a consultation so that you can find out the cost and they amount of time it will take to get rid of that hair. With regards to pricing, a lot of the clinics offer financing or payment plans. Check with your laser treatment clinic to find out what can be done.
Sallie Pinkerton is an expert on many subjects and likes to publish articles on different topics, including wax eyebrows and hair removal face.
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