Liposuction is a fat removal surgery which can improve the contour and overall appearance of the abdomen, thigh, arm, chin, neck, calves, back, hips, and other areas with excess fats. And with the introduction of new techniques, this cosmetic surgery has become safer and involves shorter recovery compared to the previous procedures.
One of the new techniques in this type of plastic surgery involves the use of laser technology which has been found to effectively dissolve fats with very minimal effect to the skin and surrounding tissues. With this, the procedure results to shorter recovery and less bruising and swelling of the treated area.
The Advantages of Laser-assisted Liposuction
In terms of recovery, most liposuction patients can resume their normal and non-strenuous activities three to five days after the procedure. This is significantly shorter compared to the traditional liposuction in which the recovery usually takes several weeks or months.
Another advantage is that patients experience less bruising on the treated area because the laser coagulates the blood vessels. In addition, they also experience less swelling because the thermal heat mainly targets the fatty deposits and not the surrounding tissues.
The result of this procedure can be seen immediately, usually a week after the liposuction procedure. This is not the case for the traditional fat removal surgery in which patients should have to wait two to four weeks before they see changes on the treated part.
Aside from removing the excess fats, plastic surgery doctors believe that the procedure can also improve the appearance of the skin by promoting the growth of collagen which is the main protein found in the skin that makes it supple and youthful.
This liposuction procedure is also ideal for treating fibrous fats which is hard to treat and commonly found in the chin, ankle, and man's chest.
Limitations of This Procedure
Just like any liposuction procedure, the laser treatment should not serve as a substitute for any weight loss treatment. In fact, doctors recommend overweight patients to lose their extra weight before undergoing this treatment to make sure that they can achieve the most desired result.
And while the procedure can permanently remove the excess fats, the result will change for patients who will gain a significant amount of body weight. This is why doctors generally encourage their patients to exercise and maintain a healthy diet to keep their figure.
Another disadvantage of this procedure is the risk of skin blistering and burns as it uses thermal energy. However, this rarely happens since doctors can control the level of heat to prevent skin damage.
Dr. T.K. Smaili is an expert in the Beverly Hills Liposuction
9025 Wilshire Blvd Suite 411, Beverly Hills
(310) 275-1662
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