Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Different Types of Lasers For Surgery

With the way technology grows it can become difficult to keep up with all of the latest innovations. Cosmetic laser surgery has grown into a booming industry due fully to technological advances. It seems that all the time there are reports of new and better lasers than previously used. This can be only beneficial for patients. Most laser surgery establishments go out of their way to ensure that they have the latest tools and devices available. Patients interested in laser surgery and how it works should take the time to investigate. Knowing laser is right for you begins at the root of the procedure.

The type of laser used depends on the treatment that the patient will be receiving. Different lasers are used for different procedures. For such marks on the skin like port wine stains or warts, often a pulsed dye laser will be implemented. This laser works best on red or brown facial blemishes. The beam of light coming from the laser is set at a specified wavelength to effectively break down the pigment of the mark. It's a great tool because it's safe and can be used on virtually all skin types. A minimal level of discomfort is experienced with this laser but most patients find it easily bearable.

Another commonly used laser is the Nd:YAG laser. It's usually seen used in the removal of hair and fine lines like scars. It has also been used to break down the pigment in tattoo ink for laser tattoo removal. This laser can emit a long pulse which works well for destroying hair follicles and pigmentation. Discoloration can occur on people who tan their skin and should be expected as a potential side effect. When compared with other lasers the Nd:YAG is reported to have fewer side effects to slow down the healing process.

The carbon dioxide laser can be used for multiple things as well. It has become widely known as the continuous wave laser with the highest output of power while being incredibly efficient as well. It may come as a surprise to some patients that these lasers are used for cutting metal in industries like welding. Of course it's not used in exactly the same manner for medical procedures. Things like moles and scars can be positively treated using the carbon dioxide laser. It can also be helpful in the resurfacing of the skin.

The erbium laser is praised as resulting in faster healing for patients following a laser treatment. Often used for skin that has experienced damage from too much sun exposure, the erbium is less painful than other lasers as it reduces facial lines. Wrinkles due to aging can be treated exceptionally well with this laser. Other lasers such as the Alexandrite and Ruby are used for things like age spots and hair removal. There are more lasers in the world without names than there are with them. Technology has done wonders to advance society but it doesn't make it any less important to know the details of all medical procedures.

Before you undergo any cosmetic laser treatment, educate yourself with the facts. We provide important consumer information that will help you make the best possible decision. For more information on topics such as lasertreatmentfacts.com/laser-treatment/hair-removal common laser hair removal treatments, visit LaserTreatmentFacts.com LaserTreatmentFacts.com today.

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