Sunday, April 6, 2014

Laser Hair Removal Makes You a Smoother Operator

If you're considering hair removal, this article will give you a few things to consider before you go ahead with the process. Hair removal on legs and the bikini area can be done with great success for the most part. But, before you sign up for costly treatments, you should consider some facts about the hair removal process. Laser hair removal and facial hair removal is costly. Lasers and pulsed light's work best on people with light skin and dark hair. The new devices that have been created to work only on dark-skinned people or with light hair are working out to be only partially effective. There's a new device on the market that uses intense, pulsed light combined with radio frequency to treat women with blonde or gray hair, but it is only about 50% as effective as other types of lasers.

If you have dark skin, laser hair removal can cause discoloration unless you use a specific machine created for dark skin. Lasers use pulse light to break down and target the dark pigment in your hair referred to as melanin. Lasers target the melanin in dark skin, which can cause discoloration. Hair growth progresses in three phases, growing, resting and shedding. Lasers and pulsed light target hair in the growth phase.

Your hair goes through a cycle and usually falls out within 10 to 14 days. Use a mild exfoliate in the shower on the 10th day, as this will help exfoliate your skin and remove hair. Several follicles are targeted at once when you use light and lasers, so they allow you to treat large areas of skin. Electrolysis hair removal takes years and many many visits to be successful and is usually carried out on the back or legs. Laser hair removal on these areas usually takes sessions under two hours. It's tremendous for treating the back, arms, shoulders and chest. Be careful when you select your hair removal specialist. Laser hair removal is usually only effective on dark hair and is good for the upper lip and chin. If you have blonde hair that needs to be zapped, you're advised to use electrolysis for permanent hair removal in these areas.

You have to be patient with your hair removal sessions as it can sometimes take four to six sessions or more spaced four weeks apart to see a 70% to 80% reduction in hair growth. If you're serious about getting hair removed, consider having treatments done once a year for a couple years at least. Unfortunately, laser hair removal is not guaranteed and works better on some people than others. You're not going to know for sure where the regrowth is going to occur and in some people regrowth will occur after several months or years while others never have to worry about shaving again. It all depends on the individual.

As a rule, the average experience is a 70% to 80% reduction in hair growth over a 4-6 week course of treatment. Laser technology has come a long way over the past few years and success rates depend for the most part on the individual. Some may find that electrolysis is more effective in laser hair removal. The best way to prepare yourself is to determine first what type of pulsed light machine will be used and you'll probably be told either to shave the date of your treatment or few days before. Consult with your aesthetician before the session. As far as pain is concerned, pulsed- light laser hair removal feels like a rubber band popping against your skin. Some machines perform differently and not every zap hurts. Some areas, like a lower leg hurts more than others such as the thighs. You're advised to take couple of ibuprofen an hour before your session. Other experts advise that you numb your skin about 20 minutes before the session begins with the spray or cream containing 4 percent lidocaine. Keep in mind that salons that advertise discounted procedures are sometimes not the best places to go, especially if they have to resort to a discount to get customers.

Do your homework before signing up for hair removal services and use only a dermatologist or licensed technician. As far as the pocketbook is concerned, remember that laser hair removal is not cheap. The fee structure is generally based on what body part you treat and can run anywhere between $200-$2,000 a session, not including taxes or tip. Do your homework. Consult with others and seek out good service providers and you'll do well when it comes to hair removal.

Terry Price is a successful web publisher & expert author and is a regular contributor to [] . Get rid of that unwanted hair now! []

What to Know Before Laser Hair Treatments

One of the main things to be aware of is the fact that most laser hair treatments use lasers and pulsed lights and this usually works best on people with dark hair and light skin. If you have darker skin, it may work, but often can produce bad results or skin discoloration. Thus, if you have darker skin, make sure to ask for the ND Yag laser, specially designed for your skin.

It's important to know that the lasers affect the hair in the growth phase and all of the hair will fall out within 10-14 days. Be sure you decide what area of your body you want the treatment on before going to get it done. It is possible to get large areas of your skin treated, and ideal spots are the back, shoulders, arms, and chest. If you are seeking facial laser hair treatment, know that for upper lip and chin, it works best on dark hair. If you are blonde, it might not work as well, and you ought to opt for electrolysis instead.

Be prepared to attend about 4-6 sessions spread out between four weeks in order to achieve the best hair removal results. Even after that, to maintain this, you will have to schedule maintenance treatments every year for a couple of years so that professionals can monitor your hair growth and be sure that it has ceased.

Understand and be prepared for the fact that laser hair treatments are not entirely guaranteed to work. As all body types are different, these treatments work for some people and do not work at all for others. Sometimes you will experience no hair growth for years and then suddenly see hair begin to sprout back up, causing you to have to return to the razor. These sessions can be quite expensive, so if you are willing to invest in it, do so with the awareness that it might not work out for certain.

If you do decide that this is something you want to do, be sure to shave about three days before your treatment. Often if you go in freshly shaven, you might be told to go home and wait a few days before you can start your treatment. Be prepared for some pain to occur, not intense pain, but perhaps some discomfort in certain areas. For some people, all areas will sting with pain, but for others, only the legs or arms might experience discomfort. Regardless, it would be wise to take some pain medication before your appointment so that you will prevent any possible pain. Also, it is possible to rub some numbing spray or cream during your session to prevent discomfort.

Make sure that you choose a licensed professional when opting for this treatment. You skin is a delicate and sensitive thing and you do not want to trust it to just anyone. Be wary of places that offer big discounts or price reductions, as laser treatment is supposed to be very pricey and if someone is offering to do it cheaply, they might not be trustworthy or professional.

Finally, remember that after your treatment, you will want to avoid sunlight for a while.

Source: Article

Roberto Sedycias works as an IT consultant for PoloMercantil

Saturday, April 5, 2014

How Laser Hair Removal Treatments Are Performed

Laser hair removal treatments are increasingly the choice for many people want to get rid of unwanted hair. As a beauty treatment, laser hair removal can give people more confidence and allow them to get on with their lives. Endorsed by a range of celebrities, hair removal of this kind can be a cheap and effective remedy. But before going for this cosmetic treatment it is important to know how laser removal works, and why so many people choose this over other types of treatment for removing unwanted hair.

The first non-invasive hair removal system

First introduced to the beauty treatment market in 1998, laser hair removal procedures offered people the first ever non-invasive type of hair reduction, with safe and permanent results in the removal of hair. Laser hair removal has reported to be so effective that is now a commonly accepted and standard form of cosmetic treatment for a range of hair removal needs. The laser treatment for getting rid of unwanted hair is very much a straightforward process.

Firstly, if a patient wants a laser treatment they must have a consultation. This is because people don't always have the same type of skin, and that certain skin conditions will need a certain type of laser hair removal to avoid any problems. Specific medical conditions, hair colours, and other restrictions will affect how the laser hair treatment will have to be applied to the patient in getting rid of unwanted hair. Broadly speaking, the darker the skin colour then the lesser the effect of the laser treatment could be.

Further to that, different areas of the body can react differently to the laser treatment, so it is important to have a consultation before any treatment starts so as to best determine what type of laser treatment to use. More treatment for certain areas of women, like the upper lip to the chin, could take longer as there could be more hormonal activity there, whereas the laser hair removal treatment on the legs could see a rapid effect in getting rid of unwanted body hair.

Don't do it all at once

Another consideration to take into account with laser treatments is the issue of timing. Since treatments need to be spaced out over time for the best effect in getting rid of unwanted body hair, it is a good idea to treat different areas of the body at the same time, rather than on their own at separate times. It can be an inconvenient process having to make frequent and multiple trips for laser hair removal if different areas of the body are treated at different times. If there are lots of areas of the body where there is unwanted hair and you need it to be removed, then it is important to know that no more than 50% of the body can be treated for laser hair removal at any one time. This is to minimise the risk of any adverse reaction. Although laser treatments are largely safe, it is best not to overdo it all at once; therefore a consultation can determine the best way to proceed.

Gill Grozier - sk:n was established in 1990 and is the UK's leading provider of skincare conditions treatment and products including: botox, anti wrinkle treatment and laser treatments.
For interviews, images or comments contact:
Gill Grozier
Marketing Manager

How Safe Laser Hair Removal Works

The word laser is an acronym for: light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. It's a device that creates and amplifies a narrow, intense beam of coherent light: light that is of one frequency. Lasers are commonly used in medical science and more recently in cosmetic procedures like hair removal.

In a laser, the atoms or molecules of a crystal, such as ruby or garnet, are excited in what is called the laser cavity so that more of them are at higher energy levels than are at lower energy levels.

Reflective surfaces at both ends of the cavity permit energy to reflect back and forth, building up the power in each passage.

With laser hair removal the laser penetrates the top layer of dermis with a specific wavelength of light (as opposed to multiple wavelengths used in Intense Pulse Light treatments), targeting melanin in the hair follicle.

A hair follicle is a sac from which a hair grows and into which the sebaceous (oil) glands open. The follicle is lined by cells derived from the epidermal (outside) layer of the skin.

Each air follicle normally goes through a five-year cycle of growth and rest, with about 90 percent of the follicles growing hair at any one time, averaging about 15 cm of growth per year.

Also called pigment, melanin is a substance that gives the skin and hair its natural color. It also gives color to the iris of the eye, feathers, and scales.

In humans, those with darker skin have higher amounts of melanin. By contrast, those with less pigment have lighter or more fair skin coloring.

Melanin provides many benefits to human beings. One of the most recognized benefits involves ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Melanin provides a natural protection against the harmful effects of these rays. However, it does not provide complete protection from the sun, and individuals with darker skin tones are still at risk from the sun's damaging rays.

When the laser hits the melanin it damages and destroys the regrowth potential of the hair follicle. The specific wave length of light (755nm) enhances the accuracy of the treatment and gives far superior results. At 755 nanometres the laser can achieve the best penetration into the hair follicle. For people with dark hair and light skin, this is the ultimate in hair reduction.

The new 755 nanometre hair removal laser uses a special cooling system that lowers the temperature of the skin during, and after, laser exposure.

This is why the treatment is regarded as a lot less painful than other treatments. Some patients have compared the treatment to the sensation of the snap of a rubber band.

For your safety, the ownership and operation of lasers in most Australian States is highly regulated. Clinics need to have an owner's license, clinic license, safety officers, licensed operators and licensed equipment, which is why very few clinics are fully licensed.

For laser hair removal Brisbane, permanent hair removal Brisbane and hair removal sunshine coast, contact Image by Laser today for a free assessment.

Is it Really Risky to Remove Facial Hair Via Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

Facial hairs are hairs naturally grow on our face. They start with light and barely noticed hairs and end up with larger and thicker terminal hair when we grow older. The growing of facial hair process happens to women and men. For women, the significant sign would be mustache. As for men, it is very common that they have to shave every morning in order to look smart and "clean" at work. It can be said that both men and women consider dealing with facial hair as part of their daily activities.

Most of the men shave to remove their facial hair. However, they may find shaving to be troublesome and tiresome when they experience skin irritation, razor bumps and scars caused by regular shaving. For women, they may try other hair elimination methods like plucking, waxing, applying chemical cream and foams, etc. All these methods are time consuming, inconvenient, irritating and painful and yet only provide temporary solutions.

Due to the above mentioned reasons, they have opted for permanent facial hair removal method, i.e. laser hair removal treatment. Currently, the most popular laser facial hair removal treatment is for removal of chin hair and removal of hair on the upper lip using laser rays. The duration of this particular type of treatment takes about 10 minutes per treatment and to have a complete removal, it requires a multiple treatments. A significant hair reduction can be seen after every treatment.

There are pros and cons that we need to weigh when considering facial hair removal treatment since there are high risks involved especially for the removal of facial hair near the area around the eyes. Since laser rays can penetrate deeply into the skin, it will be extremely dangerous where there is a high possibility of losing eyesight as the laser streams are to be absorbed by the area around the eyes. Besides that, the skin which has been exposed to the laser beams would experience redness or get burnt especially for those who have sensitive skin.

In conclusion, the effectiveness of laser facial hair removal treatment varies from one person to another. It is not 100% safe for everyone as everyone has different types of skin. When you decide to go for laser hair removal treatment, you must make sure that this treatment is carried out by a certified laser practitioner (with lots of experience) in order to eliminate the side effects in a safe and effective manner.

For more information about laser facial hair removal and laser hair removal equipment, visit

Laser Treatment May Assist in Getting Rid of Stretch Marks

Patients suffering from stretch marks may find laser treatment to be very effective in helping them overcome this condition. To get rid of stretch marks, patients must rebuild the collagen that was lost through some form of treatment. Many therapies utilizing lasers aid in the production and growth of new collagen and may be very effective in helping patients overcome them. Laser treatments such as Fraxel and Skin Tyte may be helpful in achieving these ends.

Stretch marks may appear dark and very unattractive at first, but may lose their dark appearance over time. Some products may be helpful in removing the dark pigmentation, although this has not yet been proven. It is important that patients speak to a medical professional regarding the skin condition before they decide to receive laser treatment or purchase products promising to remove these cosmetic blemishes.

Many women may be plagued with stretch marks following pregnancy and some people may experience this condition following a period of rapid weight loss. They form after the loss of collagen causes the skin to lose its elasticity. As mentioned above, when laser treatments are applied to the skin, they may stimulate the production of new collagen which may be helpful in treating the appearance.

Patients should discuss their condition and their goals with a medical professional at a reputable clinic for more information about stretch marks and possible treatments that may provide relief. The unfortunate part about this condition is that so many people will be affected at some point in their life. Speaking with an experienced and skilled professional in the cosmetic and medical field is the best way to obtain real information and sort through the myths and misinformation that may flood the marketplace.

Visit a clinic that performs laser treatment for Stretch Marks and other advanced laser aesthetics treatments including younger appearing skin with skin rejuvenation in Florida

Smartlipo MPX - Future of Laser Body Sculpting

SmartLipo MPX - the future of laser body sculpting - is the newest advancement in laser assisted liposculpture from Cynosure, a leading developer and manufacturer of a broad array of laser-based aesthetic treatment systems. If you have stubborn fat that remains and seems impossible to remove, even after following a healthy diet and regular exercise programs, the SmartLipo MPX is the best technique to consider.

By combining the benefits of dual wavelengths with MultiPlex technology, this procedure liquefies stubborn fat and tightens skin to accomplish body contouring. It is the MultiPlex technology which enables the blending or sequential firing of two wavelengths for incredible results. The two wavelengths - a 1064 nm wavelength and a 1320 wavelength -- can also be used individually, or with MPX mode and each possesses unique characteristics.

Superior Aesthetic Outcomes

SmartLipo MPX uses 20 watts of 1064nm and 12 watts of 1320nm. The 1064nm wavelength is most favorable for skin tightening and 1320 nm wavelength is highly concentrated with minimal scatter, and is better absorbed by water bringing about more efficient destruction of fat cells. The blending of wavelengths promises superior aesthetic outcomes, shortened procedure times, minimal downtime, and a better and faster recovery.

Safe and Beneficial Procedure

Have a look at the many benefits and features that SmartLipo MPX:

o Beautiful, natural results

o Safe and consistent

o Reduced treatment time

o Features a unique intelligent delivery system, facilitating safe and uniform energy delivery

When compared to other traditional methods, this procedure is much safer and requires only local anesthesia. During the treatment session and the recovery period, you will feel little to no discomfort. The results with Smart Lipo MPX are amazing, and the procedure ensures that you get the face and body you have always wanted.

Park Avenue Smart Lipo offers safe and efficacious New York City SmartLipo treatments at our AAASF (American Association Ambulatory Surgical Facilities) accredited Manhattan SmartLipo center